Var iList, tmpPosB, tmpPosE, tmpLen: Integer; tmpEntry, tmpValue, tmpFile: String; tmpList: TStringList; Const //
ctMainB = '
'; ctMainE = '
'; ctOutputPath = 'C:\Test\Customer\Out\'; // must end with \ Begin psExitCode:= 0; // ... add your code here tmpFile := psFilePath + psFileName; psLogWrite(1, '', 'Load Xml File: ' + tmpFile); tmpList := TStringList.Create; Try Try tmpList.LoadFromFile(tmpFile); for iList := 0 To (tmpList.Count-1) do Begin tmpEntry := tmpList.Strings[iList]; tmpLen := length(ctMainB); tmpPosB := Pos(AnsiLowerCase(ctMainB), AnsiLowerCase(tmpEntry)); tmpPosE := Pos(AnsiLowerCase(ctMainE), AnsiLowerCase(tmpEntry)); If (tmpPosB <> 0) And (tmpPosE >= (tmpPosB + tmpLen)) Then Begin tmpValue := Copy(tmpEntry, tmpPosB+tmpLen, tmpPosE-tmpPosB-tmpLen); psLogWrite(1, '', 'Value: ' + tmpValue); If tmpValue = '1' Then tmpList.Strings[iList] := psStringReplace(tmpEntry, ctMainB+tmpValue+ctMainE, ctMainB+'Good'+ctMainE) Else tmpList.Strings[iList] := psStringReplace(tmpEntry, ctMainB+tmpValue+ctMainE, ctMainB+'NoGood'+ctMainE); psLogWrite(1, '', 'Entry changed to: ' + tmpList.Strings[iList]); // Set Result psExitCode:= 1; // Break; // We will not break here, maybe there are more than one
entries End; End; // Save to File If psExitCode = 1 Then Begin Try psLogWrite(1, '', 'Save Xml to: ' + ctOutputPath+psfileName); tmpList.SaveToFile(ctOutputPath + psfileName); Except psLogwrite(1, '', 'Exception SaveToFile: ' + ctOutputPath+psfileName); End; End Else psLogwrite(1, '', 'Skip, no valid combination of ' + ctMainB + ' and ' + ctMainE + ' was found in file ' + tmpFile); Except psLogwrite(1, '', 'Exception LoadFromFile: ' + tmpFile); End; Finally tmpList.Free; End; End.