File Mover Blog

December 18, 2022

Azure azcopy %1 is not a valid Win32 application

azcopy %1 is not a valid Win32 application. System Error, Code: 193.

We received feedback from a customer who was trying to use the Microsoft tool AzCopy v10.16.2 in our Azure as Destination, but couldn’t get it to work. He always received this ‘%1 is not a valid Win32 application’ error when trying. In our Azure as Destination we added the possibility to use AzCopy to do the actual transfer where we use the command line tool in the background to achieve this. The reason he got this error was because an empty file named ‘azcopy’ existed next to the actual command line tool ‘azcopy.exe’. So when we tried to use the command ‘azcopy copy …’ it tried to execute this empty file. In version v2023.0.12.18 we changed ‘azcopy copy …’ to ‘azcopy.exe copy …’ as command to eliminate this.

This customer was also using a # in his filenames because of:  “the # characters are contained in the file name as it’s a documented standard file format ( NEM12 national energy market format)”.

So we made another change in version v2023.0.12.18 which encodes the filenames in the AzCopy command since it seems AzCopy is not doing this automatically.

#FileTransfer #azure #azcopy

If you need any info about this ‘azcopy %1 is not a valid Win32 application’ error, please let us know.

Best regards,

Limagito Team

By Limagito-Team Azure Share: