
  • 20 Apr

    How to convert an email to pdf using Limagito File Mover

    How to convert an email to pdf using Limagito File Mover

    Q: Is it feasible for us to convert mail, which is the source in the rule, to PDF?

    A: In version v2024.4.14.0 we added an option in the IMAP as Source to achieve this.

    • Please select IMAP as Source:

    limagito file mover imap as source

    • Adjust your IMAP Setup
      • Please use our second API Vendor: Vendor 2 – CK
      • Enable ‘Save html text body to file’ AND ‘Save as PDF instead of HTML text’

    limagito file mover IMAP html to pdf

    • As Destination we used a Windows folder:

    Windows folder as destination

    • Result example in Destination: ‘MSG20240415153004_Feature Request.pdf’

    limagito file mover convert an email to pdf


    If you need any help with our new ‘convert an email to pdf’ feature, please let us know. This is a new option and will need some tweaking from our side, feedback would be much welcome.

    Best Regards,

    Limagito Team

    #imap #pdf #managedfiletransfer #FileManagement #filetransfer



    By Limagito-Team IMAP4 PDF , ,
  • 17 Sep

    How to add html as body of an email with Limagito File Mover

    Q: How to add html as body of an email with Limagito File Mover

    In Limagito File Mover version v2023.9.17.0 we added a second SMTP API vendor (= third party code provider). This second vendor is also based in the USA and has a long history with providing API’s for many internet protocols. The reason we did this is because there are quite some different servers out there and it seems we couldn’t cover them all. With a second vendor we try to minimize this. Switching can be done on the fly.

    limagito file mover smtp second api vendor

    • We added the use of plain text and/or html as body for both API vendors:

    limagito file mover html as body

    • With our second API Vendor it is possible to use ‘TLS 1.3’. Be sure our second API Vendor – CK is selected in the ‘Setup’ tab and switch to ‘Transport Layer Security Auto’ as Security Method in the ‘Security’ tab.

    limagito file mover smtp tls1.3 support

    If you need any info about using ‘html as body’, please let us know.

    #smtp #filetransfer #filemanagement

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team SMTP , ,
  • 18 Jun

    SMTP Error Message could not be assembled due to error 1

    Q: We had an issue with one of our servers, and had to rebuild it from scratch. When we rebuilt our workflows all seemed to be fine however we are getting the following error when we try to initiate an SMTP workflow.
    6/14/2022 5:03:47 PM SendSMTPMsg Exception: Message could not be assembled due to error 1
    We don’t see any errors on the SMTP server, and this is the same setup we had in place before the previous server failed.
    Can you give us a direction on this? I am not sure what error 1 means, and I am unable to find it in the documentation.

    A: Did you copy/paste some text into the body (or subject) field? Could you clear the body completely and do a test please.

    This is most likely the message contains a character which is not covered by the current charset. If you didn’t set any charset, “iso-8859-1” is used by default.
    Also, please make sure you’ve provided at least one “from” address and at least one “to” address. This could be the reason of the error also.

    For SMTP we also have a CharSet option. In your case I would set it to:   utf-8

    assembled due to error 1

    #SMTP #Filetransfer #Filemanagement

    If you need any info about this ‘assembled due to error 1’ request, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team

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