File Mover Blog

May 5, 2022

Check pdf pagewidth in order to move files to a different folder

Q: A big help would also be a width check. If pdf width > 300 mm move to another folder. Then I could use some system tools on the pdf.

A: In version v2022.5.5.0 we added some Pascal Script function to achieve this.

-First we added two WIN destinations.

  • Destination with ID1 should contain the pdf files with a width <= 300 points
  • Destination with ID2 should contain the pdf files with a width > 300 points

Limagito File Mover multiple Windows destinations

-Next you’ll some Pascal Script

Limagito FileMover Pascal Script option

-Please Add and Enable ‘On Destinations

  tmpCount: Integer;
  tmpHeight, tmpWidth: Double;
  tmpFile: String;
  ctMaxWidth = 300;  
  psExitCode:= -1;
  // ... add your code here
  tmpFile := psFilePath + psFileName;
  If psPdfGetPageCount(tmpFile, '', tmpCount) Then
    psLogWrite(1, '', 'Page Count of ' + tmpFile +' : ' + IntToStr(tmpCount));
  If psPdfGetPageHeight(psFilePath+psFileName, '', 1, tmpHeight) Then
    psLogWrite(1, '', 'Page Height of ' + tmpFile + ' : ' + FloatToStr(tmpHeight));
  If psPdfGetPageWidth(psFilePath+psFileName, '', 1, tmpWidth) Then
    psLogWrite(1, '', 'Page Width of ' + tmpFile + ' : ' + FloatToStr(tmpWidth));
    // Check Width
    // Pdf Files <= ctMaxWidth should go to DestinationID 1 
    // Pdf Files > ctMaxWidth should go to DestinationID 2    
    If (psDestinationID = 'ID1') And (tmpWidth <= ctMaxWidth) Then psExitCode := 1; 
    If (psDestinationID = 'ID2') And (tmpWidth > ctMaxWidth) Then psExitCode := 1;  
    // Error Loading Pdf File, set psExitCode to 0
    psExitCode := 0;

Limagito File Mover Pascal Script

– RunTime Log Result:

Limagito File Mover RunTime Log result

#Filetransfer #PDF

If you need any info about this ‘Check pdf pagewidth’ option, please let us know.

Best regards,

Limagito Team

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