File Mover Blog

January 11, 2024

How to monitor if a file doesn’t make it to a directory

Q: I’m looking for a way to monitor if a file doesn’t make I to a directory.  The filename of the files have the date in it.  “Importer_WXII_mm-dd-yyyy-#0.xml”.  example for today would be “Importer_WXII_01-09-2024-#.xml”  The date in the filename will not match the modified or created time stamp of the file.  I’m looking for a way to monitor the directory send a failure email if the file name is not present within a certain time span of the date.  Example would be

If “Importer_WXII_01-11-2024-#0.xml” file exists and the current computer date is 01-10-2024 then nothing happens the file needed exists so no issues.  On the other hand.

If “Importer_WXII_01-11-2024-#0.xml” file does not exist and the current computer date is 01-10-2024 and its 12hours before 01-11-2024 then email is sent.

limagito file mover monitor if a file does not make it to a directory

A: We did a test and added the following screenshots to get you started.

  • We used a Windows folder as Source:

limagito file mover windows folder as source


  • We added the following Filename Include Filter. This filter will check if the xml you need is available.

limagito file mover filename filter

  • Important, do not forget to enable ‘Allow parameters in File Name Filter’:

limagito file mover file filter

  • Set Function to Copy, don’t worry we are not going to do anything with the xml files.

limagito file mover function setup

  • We added a dummy ‘Pascal Script’ as Destination:
psExitCode:= 1;
// ... add your code here
psLogWrite(1, '', 'We found file: ' + psFilePath + psFileName);

limagito fil emover pascal script as destination

  • Next, Rule Events setup:

limagito file mover rule events option

  • Select and enable the ‘On No File Found’ event. We are going to send an email when the xml file is not available.
    • Enable and setup ‘Mail Event’:

limagito file mover rule events setup

    • Enable and setup ‘Pascal Script’. This will add some info into the log window.
psExitCode:= 1;
// ... add your code here
psLogWrite(1, '', 'xml file not available');

limagito file mover rule events setup

  • Schedule setup:
    • Disable Timer:

limagito file mover timer setup

    • Add a Schedule when you would like to check for this xml file.

limagito file mover scheduler setup

  • You can add multiple Schedules if you want.

limagito file mover scheduler setup

#managedfiletransfer #filetransfer #filemanagement

If you need any help with this ‘monitor if a file doesn’t make it to a directory’ question, please let us know.

Best Regards,

Limagito Team

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