certain times

  • 13 Nov

    How to move files and folders automatically at certain times

    How to move files and folders automatically at certain times


    DE: Ich versuche es herauszufinden wie ich die Daten und Ordner zu bestimmte Zeit automatisch verschieben lasse.

    Bsp. Täglich um 11:00 Uhr. Hab es versucht doch leider kriege ich es nicht hin. Können Sie mir da Helfen.

    EN: I am trying to figure out how to move the files and folders automatically at certain times.

    For example, daily at 11:00 a.m. I have tried but unfortunately I can’t get it to work. Can you help me?


    This is possible using our Scheduler option. The ‘Schedule’ setup determines when a Rule (= Task) is automatically triggered. I’ve marked the ‘Schedule’ button in the following screenshot. We have a couple of ways to trigger (= start) a Rule.

    In the first example we used a timer. In this ‘How To’ we are going to use the ‘Scheduler’ option instead so I’ve disabled the ‘Timer’ option.

    limagito file mover scheduler setup

    Switch to ‘Scheduler’ tab and enable ‘Use Scheduler’. Next click <Add>:

    limagito file mover automatically at certain times

    Please have a look at the following schedule setup.

    • Give the newly added schedule a ‘valid’ name, this will help you later to understand the goal of this schedule.
    • Do not change ‘Begin Schedule’ if you don’t need it. Default is the DateTime when the schedule was added.
    • Do not change ‘End Schedule’ if you do not need it. Default is ‘Never’.
    • You can test your setup by using the <RUN> button. This will only show some information about when the Rule would be triggered when using the current setup. It helps you to check your setup. Click <Stop> to exit the test.
    • Click <Save> when the schedule setup is ready.

    limagito file mover automatically at certain times

    New schedule was added, click <Save> and please do not forget to enable the Rule afterwards. Icon should turn blue when it is enabled. A disabled Rule (grey) will not receive any trigger.

    limagito file mover scheduler option

    Important, when using a Single trigger like once a day, it is very important that the ‘Stabilized File Check’ is disabled. This option needs at least two scans because it will compare the size of the  files between 2 scans.

    limagito file mover stabilized file check

    #managedfiletransfer #filetransfer #filemanagement

    If you need any help with this ‘automatically at certain times’ option, please let us know.

    Best Regards,

    Limagito Team