• 13 Aug

    Connecting to a PostgreSQL Database

    Dear Users,

    PostgreSQL: The World’s Most Advanced Open Source Relational Database

    We got a request to add PostgreSQL in the new SQL as Destination option. We decided to add this PostgreSQL connection option to:

    – Database Logging option (added in version v2019.8.12.0)
    – SQL as Source option (added in version v2019.8.15.0)
    – SQL as Destination option (added in version v2019.8.15.0)

    We are using a database framework called FireDAC. When connecting to a database the framework needs a client library (driver) suited for the type of database it is trying to connect. This client library needs to be installed by the user of our File Mover, we don’t deliver any database client drivers. The database client library for x86 or x64 are not the same so be sure to check which version of LimagitoX you are using (x86 or x64).

    If the framework doesn’t find the library files then it will popup a message like:

    The message gives you an indication that some dll could not be found. In the PostgreSQL connection error above it could no locate libpq.dll. We found out that you need a couple of dll’s in order to connect to a PostgreSQL database. As previously mentioned, the dll’s you need are different for x86 and x64.

    >This is what we did in order to connect successfully to a PostgreSQL database in the x86 version of LimagitoX:

    1. We downloaded the zipped Binaries of version 10 (Win x86-32) @ https://www.enterprisedb.com/download-postgresql-binaries
    2. Unzipped the following files from the pgslq\bin subfolder:
      1. libcrypto-1_1.dll
      2. libiconv-2.dll
      3. libintl-8.dll
      4. libpq.dll
      5. libssl-1_1.dll
    3. Moved these files to the 32 bit program folder of LimagitoX File Mover: C:\Program Files (x86)\LimagitoX File Mover


    >This is what we did in order to connect successfully to a PostgreSQL database in the x64 version of LimagitoX:

    1. We downloaded the zipped Binaries of version 10 (Win x86-64) @ https://www.enterprisedb.com/download-postgresql-binaries
    2. Unzipped the following files from the pgslq\bin subfolder:
      1. libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll
      2. libiconv-2.dll
      3. libintl-8.dll
      4. libpq.dll
      5. libssl-1_1-x64.dll
    3. Moved these files to the 64bit program folder of LimagitoX File Mover: C:\Program Files\LimagitoX File Mover

    Microsoft SQL Server vs. PostgreSQL


    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team SQL
  • 11 Aug

    SQL as Destination

    Dear users,

    We’ve added SQL as Destination in version v2019.8.11.0. So now you can write your sql command in a txt file and our File Mover will take this file and handle the content (sql command). At the moment we support MSSQL and SQLite database but we’re willing to add others when needed (please let us know).

    On our todo list, for this new SQL destination, is to add a ‘Batch Move’ option. This option will handle a csv text data file and will insert the data content to a database. Please let us know if you are interested.

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team SQL ,
  • 28 Jul

    IBM iSeries FTP Server

    Dear Users,

    .. need to write an article ..

    More info at rzaiqpdf.pdf
    More info at FileZilla

    Connecting to IBM iSeries FTP Server

    Directory: /QSYS.LIB/QGPL.LIB


    Directory: /QSYS.LIB/USERLIB.LIB

    Add the following lines to the FTP setup ‘Send Command(s) after connect’ option:

    quote site namefmt 1
    quote site listfmt 1

    quote site namefmt 1 : this command is going to tell to the remote AS400 FTP server to put himself in a regular unix standard naming schema.
    quote site listfmt 1 : this command is going to tell the remote AS400 FTP server to display the list (when you do the ls command) of its file like a unix machine.

    We are searching for a user who is willing to test this. Please let us know if you would like to help us.

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team FTP , ,
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