• 01 Aug

    Q&A 21: Generate a status file for each file which was successfully moved

    Q:  I need to know if a status file can be generated when a file is successfully moved that includes the source location?

    We would like a log file generated called 123456.pdf.log that contains the following data:

    Remote path: C:\upload\input\123456.pdf
    Affinity PDF has been transferred to distiller
    Delivery log name: C:\upload\output\123456.pdf.log

    The remote path is the location where the file was moved from
    The second line is just a text line
    The Delivery Log Name is the location where the file was placed and the name of the log file

    A: Yes this is possible using some Pascal Script.

    Let’s start with the Source. In our example it is a Windows Folder:


    LimagitoX File Mover Windows Folder as Source

    Important, in the function Setup you need to set the ‘Destination Options’ to ‘Exit Cyclus on Error’. Reason is that we want to be 100% sure that the file was moved before we write the status file.

    LimagitoX File Mover Function Setup

    Destinations Setup, the first destination is the folder where the pdf needs to be moved to. The second destination is the ‘Pascal Script’ needed for the creation of the status file.

    LimagitoX File Mover Destinations

    We added a Windows folder as first Destination. Default Setup is ok.

    LimagitoX File Mover WIN as destination

    The second Destination is our ‘Pascal Script’ needed for the creation of the status file:

      tmpList: TStringList;
      tmpLogName: String;
      tmpLogPath: String;
      ctLogRootDir = 'C:\Test\Out\PDF';
      tmpLogPath := ctLogRootDir + '%SFS\';
      psExitCode:= 1;
      // ... add your code here    
      tmpList := TStringList.Create;
        tmpLogName := '%SFN.log';
          tmpList.Add('Remote path: %SFP%SFN'); 
          tmpList.Add('Affinity PDF has been transferred to distiller');
          tmpList.Add('Delivery log name: ' + tmpLogPath + tmpLogName);
          // Save
          psLogWrite(1, '', 'SaveToFile: ' + tmpLogPath + tmpLogName);
          tmpList.SaveToFile(tmpLogPath + tmpLogName);   
          psLogWrite(1, '', 'Log Create Error');

    LimagitoX File Mover Pascal Script as Destination

    RunTime Log Result:

    Output Folder Result:

    If you need any help , please let us know.
    Limagito Team
  • 31 Jul

    Q&A: Need more Details on LimagitoX File Mover Application

    Q: Need more Details on Limagito Application.  We were evaluating the Limagito File Mover application and are very much interested to implement it in our IT system. We need your help to get below info so that i can discuss with our Management on Limagito implementation.

    1) Do you have the minimum system requirement/Benchmark for Limagito application? We have 1000s of files that moved on daily basis in our IT system.

    This depends on the amount of rules and options you are using. When you only have a couple of rules then our requirements won’t be much. Sometimes users start with a couple of rules but end with a couple of hundred so our advice is to use a server with at least 8GByte RAM. We prefer a bit more because the OS itself often takes quite a bit. Sometimes some extra services are running.  Our File Mover uses threads heavily so 4 cpu cores is an absolute minimum. Our advice is to increase these to at least 8 cores. FYI, when you have 200 rules who are triggered regularly (which is not abnormal, we have users running +/- 400 rules) then this means that you are running 200 small applications. So you need quite some power (core, memory and disk speed).

    For a disk speed test we use the following tool (use at your own risk): disk-benchmark

    Result on a ‘simple’ dual core virtual machine running Windows 10 Professional so you can compare if needed.

    Disk Speed measurement

    2) How many interfaces/rules can be created in Limagito? is there any limitation? How many threads/Rules can be executed in parallel/Simultanious?

    Our advice is to use a maximum of 400 rules per instance of our File Mover. If you need more, please install a second instance of our file mover.

    3) What is the license cost of Limagito application?

    License Link

    4) What is the support cost & SLAs of Limagito application?

    July 2020, support is included in the Licence (1 year for Single+ and Site+, 3 years for Corporate+ License type)

    5) Do you have any sort of documentation that we can refer to?


    We also can give a demo (remote) of our file mover where we show you the basic setup (+/- 1 hour).

    6) We downloaded the evaluation copy and we could not test it more by creating multiple rules. Can you provide us temporary license for limited period so that we can try creating more rules and test it?

    No trial license available due to bad experiences in the past. You can start with a Single License and upgrade later to another type of License (only the difference needs to be paid).

    7) Do you have your prime customer list who implemented the Limagito application? and the total cutomers who implemented that?

    We will never share any information about our customers.

    8) What known problems Limagito application has?

    Like every software, also we write bugs. The history of the different version are available here: https://limagito.com/file-mover-downloads/

    If you need more details, please let us know.


    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team Installation License Q&A
  • 12 Jul

    Q&A 20: I’d love the option to go the other way, csv to xls

    Q: It seems XLS as destination is meant to convert Xls as source file. I’d love the option to go the other way, csv to xls. Oh well, feature request.
    A: You are correct the original idea was to convert XLS files but on your request we added this feature request in version v2020.7.12.0

    We added some screenhosts to give you  an idea about the setup. The Source is a Windows folder:

    LimagitoX File Mover Windows Source Folder

    We added a file filter to only include *.txt and *.cvs files:

    LimagitoX File Mover File Filter

    As Destination we added our ‘Add XLS’ option:

    LimagitoX File Mover XLS as destination

    The Csv file that we are going to convert has a comma as delimiter. Our goal is to convert the Csv source file to a Xls file. We enabled ‘Change Extension’ and added .xls as ‘Extension’. File Format was set to ‘Xls, Excel 97-2000-XP-2003’.

    LimagitoX File Mover Csv To Xls optionResult:

    Limagito File Mover Csv to Xls log result

    If you need any help , please let us know.
    Limagito Team
    By Limagito-Team Q&A XLS/CSV ,
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