• 10 Feb

    Send different on success or failure notifications based on file type

    Q: Is it possible in the same moving rule to have it send different on success or failure notifications based on file type. For example I only want it to send a notification if it is a pdf file extension. Other files in the job would still copy but only notify on the pdfs. I am working on a group wide project and it would help out a lot. The PDF file extension was just an example and would be other file formats.

    A: We added a new option ‘Use Pascal Script as event Precondition’ in Version v2022.2.9.0

    – Open Rule Events Setup

    Limagito File Mover Pascal Script Setup

    – Select the Event you want to setup (in our example this is the ‘On Success’ event) > Options Tab > Enable ‘Use Pascal Script as event Precondition’

    Limagito File Mover Pascal Script Use Pascal Script As Precondition

    – Switch to ‘Pascal Script’ Tab and Enable Pascal Script.
    – Add the following script to include only .pdf files for the ‘On Success’ event. This is just a simple example but can be extended to meet all your needs.

      // ... add your code here
      If SameText(ExtractFileExt(psFileName), '.pdf') Then
        psExitCode := 1
        psExitCode := 0;

    Limagito File Mover Rule Events Pascal Script


    If you need any info about this ‘notifications based on file type’ option, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team

  • 06 Feb

    Maximum number of files in Destination folder

    Q: Maximum number of files in Destination folder. I have a short question. Very nice if You have an answer 🙂

    One Source Windows folder: “IN”.
    One Destination Windows folder: “OUT”
    The number of files in the folder “OUT” should never exceed 3 files.

    (The files will be processed and deleted from the “OUT” folder by other software. When the number of remaining files is 0, 1 or 2, Limagito should send one more file).

    Is there an solution/function for this in Limagito File Mover?

    A: Yes this is possible using a small Pascal Script.

    This script will only work with WIN as Destination. Enable and add ‘On Rule Begin’ Pascal Script. Don’t forget to adjust the ‘ctFilter, ctOutputPath and ctSubDirs’ Const.

    Limagito File Mover Pascal Script option

      tmpCount: Integer;
      ctFilter = '*.pdf';
      ctOutputPath = 'C:\Test\Out\Sub1\';
      ctSubDirs = True; // True or False
      psExitCode := 1;
      // ... add your code here
      tmpCount := psCountFiles(ctOutputPath, ctFilter, ctSubDirs);
      // Check
      If tmpCount >= 3 Then
        psExitCode := 0;
        psLogWrite(1, '', 'QTY Files >= 3 (Count: ' + IntToStr(tmpCount) + ')');

    Limagito File Mover Maximum Files in Destination

    Feedback customer:

    Fantastic! I´ve did some simple tests and it seems to work exactly as we wanted.


    If you need any info about this ‘Maximum number of files’ request, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team Pascal Script WIN , ,
  • 15 Jan

    SQL output trailing delimiter at end of row

    Trailing delimiter at end of each row

    Q: We are using Limagito File Mover, SQL as source, database is MSSQL.

    SQL statement (Source)


      person_last_name as last_name

      , person_first_name as first_name


    Common Options

    Limagito File Mover SQL Common options


    The value for the delimiter is appended at the end of each row. Is there a way to prevent this from happening? The output file is being automatically imported into a system, and that system does not like that extra delimiter at the end of the file. To explain what I’m talking about, the output to the file is currently like this:




    What we would like to see is this:




    Thank you for any assistance you can give.

    A: In version v2021.1.15.0 we added some extra options:

    • SQL Common options (default Enabled):
      • Trailing Line Break: Determines whether to add a line Break after the last line or not.
      • Trailing Line Delimiter: When enabled the value for the delimiter is appended at the end of each row

    Please disable ‘Trailing Line Delimiter’. This will remove the delimiter at the end of each row.

    Limagito File Mover SQL Common options

    If you need any info about this option, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team SQL , ,
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