• 08 Sep

    Failed to convert data connection to TLS

    Failed to convert data connection

    Q: What could be the reason of this?

    When trying to FTP, This is the error message –

    9/4/2024 3:36:11 PM FTPListDirectory, CK GetDirCount Error: ChilkatLog:
    VerboseLogging: 0
    listPattern: *
    pattern: *
    supportsMLSD: 0
    sendingCommand: PBSZ 0
    replyLineQP: 200 OK.
    sendingCommand: PROT P
    replyLineQP: 200 Data connections set to secure (SSL) mode
    passive transfer mode
    sendingCommand: PASV
    replyLineQP: 227 Entering Passive Mode (XXX,XXX,XXX,XXX,XXX,XXX)
    hostname: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
    port: 49434
    Setting SNI hostname for data connection.
    SNI_hostname: XXXXXXXX
    SO_SNDBUF: 262144
    SO_RCVBUF: 4194304
    dataConnectSuccess: 1
    sendingCommand: LIST
    replyLineQP: 125 Secure data connection open; transfer starting.
    ConvertToTls: Elapsed time: 0 millisec
    Failed to convert data connection to TLS
    Failed to convert data connection to TLS.
    Failed to get and cache directory listing…
    N: -1

    Could you please help in this?

    A: The error indicates that while the initial control connection to the FTP server was established successfully, the client failed to upgrade the data connection to a secure TLS (Transport Layer Security) connection.

    Possible causes:

    • Misconfiguration on the server or client side
    • Incompatible TLS versions between client and server
    • Firewall or network issues blocking the necessary ports
    • Outdated software that doesn’t support the required encryption methods

    Common scenarios:

    • The FTP client is set to use explicit FTPS, but the server doesn’t support it
    • The server requires implicit FTPS, but the client is not configured for it
    • There’s a mismatch in the supported TLS versions between client and server

    To resolve this issue, you could try the following:

    1. Check your FTP client settings to ensure you’re using the correct encryption method (implicit or explicit FTPS).
    2. Verify with your FTP server administrator that FTPS is supported and properly configured.
    3. Try using a different FTP client to rule out client-specific issues.
    4. Ensure your firewall isn’t blocking the necessary ports for FTPS (usually port 990 for implicit FTPS).
    5. Update your FTP client and server software to the latest versions.

    The The reason here was a mismatch in the supported TLS versions between client and server. Somehow the server has an issue with TLS and the only way to transfer the data was to disable our ‘Encrypt Data Channel” option.

    C:\Data\Foto\v2023\FTP\Failed to convert data connection\Failed to convert data connection

    The customer was using Implicit FTPS on port 990

    limagito file mover ftps setup

    If you need any help with this question, please let us know.

    Best Regards,

    Limagito Team

    #ftp #managedfiletransfer #filetransfer #filemanagement

    By Limagito-Team FTP ,
  • 03 Sep

    Can’t open data connection for ftp transfer

    Can’t open data connection for ftp transfer

    Q: I’m using the attached FTP source that I have set to get files, but I’m getting an error when reading the directory. I’m able to access the folder using Cyberduck fine with the same settings. Below is the log showing the response I get.  I’m using v2024.2.24.0. Please let me know if you need anything else to troubleshoot.

    A: It looked like the system was not able to open a data connection to the FTP server (425 Can’t open data connection for transfer) and we asked the user to switch be to ‘Active’ mode. FTP is using two channels, a command and a data channel. So if you are able to connect, then you know at least the command channel is working. If you are not able to receive directory listings, then you know something is wrong with the data channel. The data channel can be used in active and passive mode (passive mode = default).

    Reply user: “That seemed to work. Thank you.”

    Connecting to ftp_useast.xxxxxxxx.com:22

    Connection successful

    Server System: 220-Xxxxx Secure FTP

    220 **Authorized Access Only**

    Request Path: /PAX_Test_Xpance

    Response Path: /PAX_Test_Xpance

    List Directory: /PAX_Test_Xpance/

    List Directory /PAX_Test_Xpance/ Error

    Disconnected from ftp_useast.xxxxxxxx.com:22

    8/20/2024 4:14:07 PM FTPSCheckConnected, CK Login Reply: 220-Xxxxxx Secure FTP
    220 **Authorized Access Only**
    8/20/2024 4:14:07 PM FTPSCheckConnected, CK Request Path after Login: /
    8/20/2024 4:14:07 PM FTPSCheckConnected, CK Change Path to /PAX_Test_Xpance
    8/20/2024 4:14:07 PM FTPSCheckConnected, CK Request Path after Change: /PAX_Test_Xpance/
    8/20/2024 4:14:17 PM FTPListDirectory, CK GetDirCount Error: ChilkatLog:
    DllDate: Jan 27 2024
    UnlockPrefix: CPSFBE
    UnlockStatus: 2
    Architecture: Little Endian; 64-bit
    Language: Delphi DLL
    VerboseLogging: 0
    listPattern: *
    pattern: *
    supportsMLSD: 1
    active transfer mode
    Created data listen socket
    Using ephemeral port range for Active data connection.
    dataPort: 51222
    portIpAddress: 192.168.xxx.xxx
    MyIPv4: 192,168,xxx,xxx,200,22
    sendingCommand: PORT 192,168,xxx,xxx,200,22
    replyLineQP: 200 Port command successful
    sendingCommand: MLSD
    Reading intermediate response..
    replyLineQP: 150 Opening data channel for directory listing of “/PAX_Test_Xpance”

    Reading final response..
    replyLineQP: 425 Can’t open data connection for transfer of “/PAX_Test_Xpance”

    Final response indicates error.
    Failed to accept data connection.
    Failed to complete the data connection.
    Failed to get and cache directory listing…
    N: -1

    If you need any help with this ‘data connection for ftp transfer’ question, please let us know.

    Best Regards,

    Limagito Team

    #ftp #managedfiletransfer #filetransfer #filemanagement


    By Limagito-Team FTP ,
  • 17 Mar

    How to move files to different ftp folders under the same root

    How to move files to different ftp folders under the same root on the same server

    Q: Conditional destination request. We are looking for an easy way (one channel) to move files to different ftp folders (more than 100 folders) under the same root on the same server, where filename prefix (3 char) is the key to which folder. Prefix and folder name are different.

    A few examples:
    • BBL > folder1
    • ABB > folder2
    • BYR > folder4
    • BYP > folder5
    • DAT > folder6
    I have been looking at your blog post without finding anything like it. The list of prefixes and folders could be a text table in the script or in a csv file. Do you have a script for this?
    A: Yes this is possible, please have a look at the following screenshots. This setup can be used with other Sources and Destinations too.
    – We used a Windows folder as Source:
    limagito file mover windows folder as source
    – Open our Pascal Script option
    limagito file mover pascal script option

    Please enable and add the following ‘On Destination’ Pascal Script:

    • Please add the following script: link
      • The script strips the first 3 characters from the filename by using ‘copy(psFilename, 1, 3)’
      • The stripped part is compared with ‘BBL’, ‘ABB’ .. ‘DAT’
      • Depending on the result of the compare, a folder name is added to our variable psVSA ( pascal script Var String A )
      • This psVSA variable will be used in the Destination setup as parameter (%VSA, which contains data from psVSA)
    • You’ll need to adjust the folder names and add more prefixes if needed
    files to different ftp folders
    – In the FTP as Destination Setup, please adjust the ‘Create Subdir’ option to:   %VSA\%SFS
    • Here we used the %VSA parameter, set in the Pascal Script, which contains the desired subdirectory name
    limagito file mover destination setup
    – Feedback customer:

    That looks easy. Thank you very much.

    If you need any help with this new option, please let us know.

    Best Regards,

    Limagito Team

    #ftp #sftp #managedfiletransfer #filetransfer #filemanagement

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