File Mover Blog

August 27, 2015

Considering Limagito as a replacement


We’re considering Limagito to replace our current solution. A few questions:
  1. We feed incoming filenames to a PERL script, which outputs the replacement filenames for the files at their destination. How could we accomplish this in Limagito?
  2. ..
Thanx. Mark.
Until now this wasn’t possible so we had to add this. To accomplish this we added some extra features to the Command option (v11.8.27.0).
  • Redirect Command Output to PS String Var A (%VSA)
  • Line Number to Redirecy to PS String Var A (%VSA).
Both options are used to redirect the command output to the Ps string Var A (%VSA) which can be used later in the renaming of the destination filename. Setting the Line Number to 1 will take the first line of the command output. Setting it to 0 will take all available lines of the command output.
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The Perl script (or any other type of script) is triggered in the ‘Before Move/Copy/Delete’ command using the source filename (%SFN) as argument.
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Then we will use this string Var A in the file renaming option of your destination.
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The destination filename will be the output result of the script triggered in the Command option.
Limagito Team
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