File Mover Blog

December 6, 2024

How to place zipped files back in their original folders

How to place zipped files back in their original folders

Q: Is there a way to place the zipped files back in their original folders? I just want to zip the folders and leave them in their original location. I need to ONLY zip the “ART” folder inside this subfolder. Maybe we could schedule a Remote support session to help me work through it?

A: This should be possible using our scripting option.

  • As Source we need to add a Windows folder with the following setup:
    • Add %VSA as Source
    • %VSA is a parameter (Var String A) which will contain data from the script that we’ll add in a next step

limagito file mover Windows folder as source setup

  • Open our Pascal Script option:

limagito file mover pascal script option

  • Enable and add the following ‘On Rule Begin’ Pascal Script
    • Do not forget to adjust the ctSourceDir Const
    • The ctSoureDir is the directory you want us to scan for ‘Art’ subfolders.
  iList: Integer;
  tmpList1, tmpList2: TStringList;
  ctSourceDir = 'C:\Test\In_ZIP';
  psExitCode:= 0;
  psVSA := '';
  // ... add your code here
  tmpList1 := TStringList.Create;
  tmpList2 := TStringList.Create;
    tmpList2.StrictDelimiter := True;
    tmpList2.QuoteChar := #0;
    tmpList2.Delimiter := ';';
    psListPaths(ctSourceDir, '*.*', 1, tmpList1);
    For iList := 0 To (tmpList1.Count - 1) Do
      psListPaths(tmpList1.Strings[iList], 'Art', 1, tmpList2);
    // Check
    If tmpList2.Count > 1 Then
      psExitCode := 1;
      psVSA := tmpList2.DelimitedText;
      psLogWriteStr('Source folders: ' + psVSA);

limagito file mover on rule begin pascal script

  • Folder structure of our ctSourceDir ( C:\Test\In_ZIP );

limagito file mover test folder structure

limagito file mover test folder structure

limagito file mover test folder structure

  • Filename Exclude Filter Setup (optional):
    • We added *.zip as Filename Exclude Filter since we are placing the created zip file back in the directory which we are scanning for files, just to sure.

limagito file mover exclude filename filter setup

  • Directory Filter Setup:

limagito file mover directory filter setup

  • Function Setup:

limagito file mover function setup

  • ZIP as Destination Setup:

limagito file mover zip as destination setup

  • Zip as Destination Setup:
    • Zip all files found during scan to a single destination file
    • Adjust zip filename to Zipped-Art
    • Select ‘Add to archive if exists, otherwise create new archive’
    • Add .zip as extension

limagito file mover zip as destination setup

  • Result after Rule is triggered:

limagito file mover test folder setup

If you need any help with this “place zipped files back” question, please let us know.

Best Regards,

Limagito Team

#zip #managedfiletransfer #filetransfer #filemanagement

By Limagito-Team ZIP Share: