File Mover Blog

January 27, 2018

LimagitoX File Mover goes mad(Except)

Dear Users,

Regarding version 2018.1.27.0

We don’t write bugs .. I mean not on purpose. We’ve decided to add an exception handler from an external company called madExcept ( This will help us locating bugs if they do occur. In case of an unhandled exception, our application or service wil log this in a ‘.mbr’ file ([m]adExcept [b]ug [r]eport). These mbr files will be written to the log subdirectory of our file mover settings directory.

Possible files, we hope you won’t find any 🙂

– LimagitoXA.mbr (Application)
– LimagitoXC.mbr (Config Tool)
– LimagitoXR.mbr (Remote Tool)
– LimagitoXS.mbr (Service)
– LimagitoXW.mbr (Web Remote Tool)

Would be really helpful if you could send them to us.

Limagito Team

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