Dear users,
Simple Pascal Script to create a txt file containing the files handled by our file mover.
1 Add PS as Destination
2. Add the following Pascal Script. Don’t forget to adjust the ctOutputPath and ctOutputFilename.
Var tmpList: TStringList; tmpFile: String; Const ctOutputPath = 'C:\Test\Out\'; ctOutputFilename = 'Info.txt'; Begin psExitCode:= 1; // Init Var tmpFile := ctOutputPath + ctOutputFilename; tmpList := TStringList.Create; Try psLogWrite(1, '', 'Add ' + psfilePath + psFileName + ' to ' + tmpFile); If FileExists(tmpFile) Then tmpList.LoadFromFile(tmpFile); tmpList.Append(psFilePath + psFilename); tmpList.SaveToFile(tmpFile); Finally tmpList.Free; End; End.