File Mover Blog

May 1, 2020

Q&A 5: Would it be possible to monitor and send alert when file mover failed?

Q: I was wondering if it would be possible to monitor and send alert when file mover failed?

A: Yes this is possible using our Rule Events option

Please open the Rule Events Setup:

In this example we’ll only enable email for the ‘On Error’ event. Important, if you want to use other events then you’ll need to do a seperate setup for them.

  • Enable ‘On Error’
  • Enable ‘Enable Mail’
  • Use Common SMTP (we will use the Common SMTP setup in this example)

Click the button next to the SMTP Setup selector and setup your SMTP. We are using gmail smtp in this example but you are free to choose.

Click the button left from the ‘Enable Mail’ checkbox and setup the email event message.

Finally click the test button (red marked button) and check the result in the log window.

Please remember:

  • The email setup has to be done for each Event seperately (On Succes, On Error, ..).
  • You can use a Common SMTP setup so you only need to setup this once.
  • Each Moving Rule will use their own Event settings.

If you need help, please let us know.


Limagito Team

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