• 29 Dec

    Q&A 34: Rules pulling files are changing the modify date

    Q: Rules pulling files are changing the modify date. Correct, this is FTP as the source. The file(s) we’re picking up have modification dates on when they were last modified on the source’s side. However, after LimagitoX runs, it updates the modification date in Windows to whenever the rule runs. So it shows all files were updated since last time the job ran.
    For example, I ran the job at 9:17am on 12/23/20 and it shows that the file that is dated 05/07/20 (from the source) was last modified right when the job ran, but in reality it wasn’t modified by either party since 5/07/20.

    A: Solution, in your Source FTP (or SFTP) setup, please enable ‘Adjust File Times’ option. You can find this in the ‘Common Tab’.

    Limagito File Mover Adjust File Times

    If you need any help with ‘changing the modify date’, please let us know.

    Best Regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team FTP Q&A SFTP ,
  • 06 Dec

    Trigger a Rule with no Source Files available in Limagito File Mover

    In version v2020.12.6.0 we added ‘Pascal Script’ as Source. This makes it easier for us to add customer specific requests. A while ago we recieved a request if it was possible to trigger a Rule without having actually source files.

    • Select PScript (Pascal Script) as Source:

    Limagito File Mover Pascal Script as Source

    • Add the following Pascal Script (Copy / Paste):
      psExitCode:= 1;
      // ... add your code here

    Limagito Filemover Pascal Script trigger Rule

    This is all what is need to trigger a Rule without the need for actual Source Files.


    If you need any help with this ‘Trigger a Rule’ feature, please let us know.

    Best Regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team Pascal Script ,
  • 06 Dec

    Q&A 33: Can we create a job to monitor disabled rules

    Q: Monitor disabled rules. Our company purchased Limagito products and used it for several years, and I am very happy to have such a useful product. I want to ask a technical question. Several of our colleagues manage all the built rules together, but sometimes we accidentally turn it off and forget to turn it on. I would like to ask if there is any way to scan all RULES in limagito and find that its status is “Disable”, so we can create a job to monitor this and send a mail to notify us. Looking forward to your help, and wish you all good health.
    A: In version v2020.12.6.0 we added Pascal Script as Source. This new option makes it possible for us to achieve your request. Let’s get started.

    • Select PScript (Pascal Script) as Source:

    Limagito File Mover Pascal Script as Source

    Add the following Pascal Script (Copy / Paste):

      tmpInfo: String;
      tmpList: TStringList;
      ctFileName = 'Disabled_Rules.txt';
      // Init Var
      psClearSourceFiles; // Clear SourceFiles Listing
      psExitCode:= 1;
      // We'll use a TStringList that we'll fill with Disabled Rules Data
      tmpList := TStringList.Create;
          // Function psGetDisabledRuleList(Const aIncGroupname, 
          // aIncRuleName, aIncRuleID: Boolean; Const aDelimiter, aQuoteChar: Char): String;
          // Request for All Disabled Rules using Tab(#9) as Delimiter
          // Include Groupname, RuleName and RuleID
          tmpInfo := psGetDisabledRuleList(True, True, True, #9, #0);
          If tmpInfo <> '' Then
            // We'll use psVSA paramter in our email setup later
            psVSA := tmpInfo
            // Add to List
            // Save List To File
            tmpList.SaveToFile(psRuleTempPath + ctFileName);
            // Add To SourceFiles List
            psAddToSourceFiles(psRuleTempPath + ctFileName);
          psLogWrite(1, '', 'Save File ' + psRuleTempPath + ctFileName + ' Exception');

    Limagito File Mover Pascal Script Disabled Rules

    — Begin Update Post (15th of January 2023) —

    First le me start by stating how much we enjoy working with your software in past months, Setting it up and configuring the rules was super easy and intuitive.

    We had some issue with tracking rules that were disabled by mistake. After browsing your Q&A I’ve found ‘Q&A 33: Can we create a job to monitor disabled rules’

    Which works great, our only remaining issues is that we have a lot of disabled test rule, the fill the report. Is there a way to generate the same report but to exclude certain rules from it?

    Thank you very much for your kind words. I’ve added an alternative Pascal Script. This will exclude those rules who have the ctExclude word in their description. In my example it would exclude all rule that have the word  “test”  in their description. The ctExlude Const is not case sensitive.
      iList: Integer;
      tmpEntry, tmpInfo: String;
      tmpList: TStringList;
      ctExclude = 'test';
      ctFileName = 'Disabled_Rules.txt';
      // Init Var
      psClearSourceFiles; // Clear SourceFiles Listing
      psExitCode:= 0;
      // We'll use a TStringList that we'll fill with Disabled Rules Data
      tmpList := TStringList.Create;
          // Function psGetDisabledRuleList(Const aIncGroupname,
          // aIncRuleName, aIncRuleID: Boolean; Const aDelimiter, aQuoteChar: Char): String;
          // Request for All Disabled Rules using Tab(#9) as Delimiter
          // Include Groupname, RuleName and RuleID
          tmpInfo := psGetDisabledRuleList(True, True, True, #9, #0);
          If tmpInfo <> '' Then
            // Add to List
            tmpList.Text := tmpInfo;
            // Filter
            For iList := (tmpList.Count-1) Downto 0 Do
              tmpEntry := tmpList.Strings[iList];
              If Pos(AnsiLowerCase(ctExclude), AnsiLowerCase(tmpEntry)) <> 0 Then
            If tmpList.Count <> 0 Then
              // We'll use psVSA paramter in our email setup later
              psVSA := tmpList.Text;
              // Add to List
              // Save List To File
              tmpList.SaveToFile(psRuleTempPath + ctFileName);
              // Add To SourceFiles List
              psAddToSourceFiles(psRuleTempPath + ctFileName);
          psLogWrite(1, '', 'Save File ' + psRuleTempPath + ctFileName + ' Exception');
        If tmpList.Count <> 0 Then
          psExitCode := 1;

    — End Update Post (15th of January 2023) —

    It also possible to request all Enabled Rules. In this case you need to replace

    tmpInfo := psGetDisabledRuleList(True, True, True, #9, #0);


    tmpInfo := psGetEnabledRuleList(True, True, True, #9, #0);
    • Add SMTP as Destination:

    Limagito File Mover SMTP as Destination

    • SMTP as Destination  Setup:

    We added %VSA parameter which also contains the Disabled Rule(s). Option ‘Include Source File as Attachment’ is also enabled so the text file containing the Disabled Rule information will be attached to the email.

    Limagito File Mover SMTP as Setup

    • RunTime Log Result:

    Limagito File Mover Pascal Script as Source RunTime Log

    • Received Email Result:

    If you need any help with this ‘job to monitor disabled rules ’, please let us know.

    Best Regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team Pascal Script Q&A ,