File Mover Blog

September 5, 2022

AWS connection failed with code 403

AWS connection failed with code 403

In case you are getting error messages like:

GetBucketLocation AWSS3, SB Bucket XYZ-XYZ-XYZ Exists Exception: HTTP request failed with code 403 (Forbidden). Error code: AccessDenied




    <Message>The bucket you are attempting to access must be addressed using the specified endpoint. Please send all future requests to this endpoint.</Message>






, Code: 301

This could mean that you are trying to connect to a wrong endpoint. In this case please adjust in andpoint in the AWS S3 setup:

Limagito File Mover AWS S3 endpoint

We prefer as API Vendor: Vendor 2 – CK. So please first check if this Vendor is selected.

Limagito File Mover AWS S3 second API Vendor

If you want the maximum of log information, please enable ‘Add Control Information to Log’.

Limagito File Mover AWS S3 setup

If you need any help with this ‘AWS connection failed with code 403’ , please let us know.

Best Regards,

Limagito Team

#filetransfer #filemanagement

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