• 23 Apr

    Linux FTP server issue when files have a space preceding the filename

    Linux FTP server issue when files have a space preceding the filename

    Q: We have an issue where the source file (Linux) might have a space preceding the name. Example “ file-with-a-space.jpg”. Limagito on Windows sees it as “file-with-a-space.jpg” and attempts to retrieve. The Linux server returns a 500 error, file not found error. We receive the error every minute until someone manually fixes. I want limagito to output a text file with the source path. That will get picked up by a Linux server that will automate a fix, but it needs to know where to look (hence the source path).

    A: Ok we installed a Linux system and did some tests. A new build of our file mover is ready (v2022.4.23.0) where we added a new option called ‘Use Prefer Nlst’.

    Important, only available with our second API vendor: ‘Vendor 2 – CK’.

    Limagito File Mover Space Preceding Filename

    Please enable the ‘Use Prefer Nlst’ option in the ‘Common’ tab of the Source FTP setup. Also enabling ‘Delete Invalid Characters’ is a good idea with Linux (Unix, Mac) FTP servers because they may use invalid characters for Windows filenames.

    Limagito File Mover Linux FTP Space Preceding Filename

    #Filetransfer #Linux #FTP

    If you need any info about this ‘space preceding the filename’ request, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team FTP , ,
  • 17 Apr

    Use referenced files during FTP and SFTP upload with shortcut files

    Use referenced files during FTP and SFTP upload with shortcut files

    Q: After hearing many positive testimonials regarding your product, I finally have the opportunity to work with it. I’ve been tinkering for a few weeks and I’m very impressed with the functionality and speed. I am attempting to architect a rather challenging solution. If possible I would like to present an overview of the requirements and the approach I have been building out and testing. Obviously, I am open to any suggestions regarding a better approach to accomplish these goals with your product.

    I need to deliver approximately 9,000 files daily to each of (8) FTP destinations. That’s not an actual 72,000 files daily as each of those eight destinations utilize a text file filter. I know from experience with our current solution that this isn’t as easily achieved as one would think. At peak times we will have more that 2,400 files flowing in per hour. With that in mind I’m trying to design in as many efficiencies as possible.

    These files average 4MB. In order to minimize storage and file duplication times, I wanted to create a shortcut alias to the original file. When that file is found in an input, I can use the reference to the original file. I can’t see where this approach would be possible in your product.

    I did discover the create Shortcut function in the WIN as Destination and started pursuing that. When files flow into input, I move the original to a ‘processed’ dir and create an alias. Another process monitors the alias dir and copies/seeds all aliases into each of the (8) sub-folders using your ‘Output files to all subdirectories’ option.

    Each of these (8) inputs for FTP destinations are using text file filters such as %FCA setup in Rule parameters. Some of these filters are 1,200 lines. I wasn’t sure how well this would work, but testing and speed far exceeded any expectations I had. I am also using a text file for calculating the destination dirs. This involves several pascal scripts as described in a solution I found in your blog. This is all working perfect.

    The biggest issue I currently have and possible deal breaker is that the destination file is the shortcut alias. Obviously I was hoping to get the original in the destination.

    Sorry for the verbose email. Any assistance or guidance is greatly appreciated.

    A: We added a new option in version v2022.4.17.0 to achieve this.

    Feedback customer:

    This is incredible news! I never would have imagined we could get responsive support like this. I demonstrated my solution utilizing your product this past Friday. Everyone was impressed and couldn’t identify a single area that needed improvement.

    Huge thanks to you and your team.


    When this option is enabled and a shortcut (.lnk) file is found in the Source then the referenced file will be used during the FTP (or SFTP) upload.

    Limagito File Mover handle shortcut files

    RunTime Log: information about the referenced file is available in the log. The referenced file is used during the FTP upload.

    Limagito File Mover upload shortcut files

    #Filetransfer #SFTP

    If you need any info about this ‘shortcut files’ option, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team


    FYI, in the ‘WIN as Destination’ setup you have an option to create Shortcut files.

    Limagito File Mover create shortcut files


    By Limagito-Team FTP SFTP , ,
  • 24 May

    Limagito FTPS Server released in version v2021.5.24.0

    In version v2021.5.24.0 we released our Limagito FTPS Server. This FTPS server is a part of Limagito File Mover and available for all +Plus users (Free Lite+, Single+, Site+ and Corporate+).

    • FTPS Server Setup:

    We added the possibility to choose between ‘SFTP’ or ‘FTPS’ vs ‘SFTP & FTPS’. Each much use their own port.

      • Implicit FTPS: default 990 (TLS encryption up to v1.3)
      • Explicit FTPS: default 21 (TLS encryption up to v1.3)
      • Plain FTP: default 21 (No encrypton)

    Limagito File Mover FTP Server Setup

    • FTPS Server User Accounts Setup:

    An account can be used for ‘SFTP’ or ‘FTPS’ vs ‘SFTP & FTPS’.

    Limagito File Mover FTP Server Accounts Setup

    • FTPS Server Guard Setup:

    The Guard protection will work for SFTP and FTPS.

    Limagito File Mover FTP Server Guard Setup

    • FTPS Server Additional Setup:

    We divided some of the SFTP options so they can have different values for FTPS.

    Important if you want the FTPS server to support unicode characters then you must set the ‘FTPS Character Set’ option to ‘utf-8’.

    Limagito File Mover FTP Server Additional Setup

    • IMPORTANT: When testing the FTPS Server using our Limagito File Mover you’ll need to select the Second API Vendor – CK.

    Limagito FTP Server Client Setup


    If you need any info about this new feature, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team FTP ,
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