• 25 Feb

    How to move empty subdirectories

    How to move empty subdirectories ( Windows folders only )

    Q: We are looking to create a File Mover rule that scans the source folder for subdirectories that are empty and move them to another destination. Would you be able to assist me in how to best approach this?

    A: This should be possible with a Windows Folder/share as Source and Destination. Remember, this is only needed when no files are being handled, otherwise this can be done using the default options within our file mover tool.

    You’ll only need to add a Source, no need to add a Destination. All is handled within the ‘Pascal Script’ as Source.

    limagito file mover pascal script as source

    • Please add the following script: link
    • Do not forget to adjust the ctSource and ctDestination Path (must end with a \ )
    • The script will scan the ctSource path for subfolders. For each subfolder found, it will check if any file exists. If not, then it will try to create this subfolder in the ctDestinationPath. If this succeeds then the Source subfolder will be removed.

    limagito file mover move empty subdirectories

    If you need any help with this request, please let us know.

    Best Regards,

    Limagito Team

    #managedfiletransfer #filetransfer #filemanagement

  • 27 Jan

    How to keep the most recent files regardless of the creation date?

    Q: Is it possible to create a rule of type: keep the 100 most recent files (regardless of the creation date)?

    A: In version v2024.1.27.0 we added this option for WIN as Source

    • Important, this new option is only available when using our [WIN] as Source (= Windows Folder or Network Share) option:

    limagito file mover windows folder as source

    • Next , select ‘Schedule’ button > ‘Advanced’ Tab:

    The new Skip option is available when the ‘Sort Order’ <> ‘OS Sort Order’

    • Skip none (default) = handle all sorted files found during scan of source folder(s)
    • Skip first x entries in file list = handle all except first x sorted files found during scan of source folder(s)
    • Skip last x entries in file list= handle all except last x sorted files found during scan of source folder(s)

    In the following setup we’ll scan the source folder(s) for files and afterwards we’ll sort them using the last write date (= modified date) from Old to New. When this is done we’ll skip the last 100 entries of this list. The result is that we’ll keep the 100 most recent files in the Source and will not handle (= copy/move/delete) them.

    limagito file mover keep the most recent files

    #managedfiletransfer #filetransfer #filemanagement

    If you need any help with this ‘keep the most recent files’ question, please let us know.

    Best Regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team Filters WIN ,
  • 12 Nov

    How to verify that the checksum of destination files remain unchanged

    How to verify that the checksum of destination files remain unchanged

    Q: Is it possible to verify that a file’s encryption (SHA) in the source folder remains unchanged when it is transferred to the destination folder? Additionally, send an email if anything has changed.

    We want to know when a change is made to the file after it has been moved to the destination folder. Additionally, get an email notification if there is a change. Another software should pull the file, we ask to check that no changes were made to the file until it transferred from the destination folder .

    A: We needed two Rules to achieve this.

    • Rule 1: Will search for the Source files to move. When a file is found, it will add some information (filename, checksum, date) about this file to a separate data text file.
    • Rule 2: Will check the Destination folder of the first Rule. It will search for moved files and if a file is found (not yet picked up), it will compare its checksum with the information found in the data text file. If there is a difference, Rule 2 will return an error which will trigger an email event.

    limagito file mover checksum of destination files

    1. First Rule: ‘OPC Move’

    Source must be a Windows folder or share:

    limagito file mover windows folder as source

    Function Setup, we enabled ‘Exit Cyclus on Error’ as Destination option:

    limagito file mover function setup

    Destination Setup, we added two Destinations:

    1. Pascal Script as Destination
    2. WIN (Windows Folder or Share) as Destination

    limagito file mover destination setup

    First Destination: Pascal Script:

    Do not forget to adjust the ctChecksumFile const. This is the data file where we keep checksum information about the files we moved.


    • The path of this file should already exist, we’ll create the file.
    • This path should be a local path on the system where Limagito File Mover is running.
    • It should NOT be the same as the Source or Destination Path, use a folder that is only used for this purpose.

    You can download the script: here

    limagito file mover pascal script as destination

    Second Destination, is the actual Destination folder of the Source files. This is where the other software will pull the files from. Destination must be a Windows folder or share.

    limagito file mover windows folder as destination

    2. Second Rule: ‘OPC Checksum Check’

    The Source of this second Rule is the Destination of the First ‘Move’ Rule, this is important. This Second Rule will search for moved files and if a file is found (not yet picked up), it will compare its checksum with the information found in the data text file. If there is a difference, Rule 2 will return an error which will trigger an email event.

    limagito file mover Windows folder as destination

    As Schedule we used a timer and set it to every 5 seconds:

    limagito file mover schedule setup

    Function Setup: set ‘Rule Function’ to copy. We will not copy any files but this needed by the internal process.

    limagito file mover function setup

    As Destination, we added a ‘Pascal Script’. This script will compare the checksum of the files found with the information in the data text file. If there is a difference it will return an error which will trigger an email event.

    limagito filemover destination setup

    Destination: Pascal Script:

    Do not forget to adjust the ctChecksumFile const. This is the data file where checksum information about the moved files by the first ‘Move’ Rule is kept.

    Important: Use exactly the same file as you did in the Pascal Script of the first ‘Move’ Rule.

    You can download the script: here

    limagito file mover checksum of destination files

    Open our Rule events option:

    limagito file mover rule events option

    limagito filemover rule events setup

    With ‘On Error’ selected > Options Tab > Enable ‘File Error event memory’. This way you only get one email per filename.

    limagito file mover rule events setup

    Email Setup:

    limagito file mover rule events email setup

    RunTime Log Result:

    limagito file mover runtime log result

    #managedfiletransfer #filetransfer #filemanagement

    If you need any help with this ‘checksum of destination files’ request, please let us know.

    Best Regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team How-to WIN
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