First example: convert a xls(x) file to a tabbed txt file
1) Add the following ‘Filename Include Filter’ so we are 100% sure we’ll only handle xls(x) files
2) Add PS (Pascal Script) as Destination
3) Add the following Pascal Script
Const CsvPath = 'C:\Test\OUT_XLS\'; Begin psExitCode := 0; // ... add your code here // 2 = Text based file, #09 is tab delimited, 0 is UTF8 text encoded If psConvertXlsFile(psFilePath + psFileName, CsvPath + ChangeFileExt(psFileName, '.txt'), 2, #09, 0, 'Run results') Then Begin psExitCode := 1; psLogWrite(1, '', 'Converted ' + psFilePath + psFileName); End Else psLogWrite(1, '', 'Convert error ' + psFilePath + psFileName); // psConvertXlsFile(psFilePath + psFileName, CsvPath + ChangeFileExt(psFileName, '.csv'), 2, ',', 0, 'Run results'); End.