File Mover Blog

  • 17 Jan

    Some new HTTP as Source options

    Dear Users,

    Another request from a user to add an easy way to download files using HTTP. We’ve added a second setup method in the HTTP as Source option.

    Suppose we would like to download the setup file of our LimagitoX file mover. With the previous method 1 we had to setup the Host, Port and Path and needed to include a file filter to be sure that only this files was downloaded. A bit complex .. so that’s why we added an extra method.


    When Setup method 2 is selected you get two new ways to dowload files directly. The include filename filter is no longer needed.

    A. Add the URLs as a list (fixed).

    B. Read the URLs from a text file (dynamically).

    In case of B our File Mover will read the URLs from the text file on every Rule Start.


    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team HTTP ,
  • 10 Jan

    Using an absolute date in the Filedate Filter

    Wondering if there is a way to only move files newer than a particular date. I see that I can include or exclude files older than a specific number of days or hours (which are *relative* times), but nothing with specific date/time (*absolute* times).

    We got the following question from  a long time user. We added this option in ‘v11.101.11.0’. This will compare the FileDate with an absolute Date. Option is added in the Include and Exclude Filedate filter. Set the ‘File Date Filter Reference’ to ‘Date Absolute’ to enable this option.



    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team Filters , , ,
  • 23 Dec

    SFTP vs FTPS

    Some links to get you started:

    Really good website about computer security, very well explained:

    By Limagito-Team FTP SFTP , ,
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