File Mover Blog

  • 23 Mar

    Keep a number of files in a specific delete Folder I’m watching in

    Q: Is there any option for a delete rule to keep a number of files, e.g. keep the last 10 Files, in the specific delete Folder I’m watching in?

    We’re trying to handle our LOG Folder with Limagito. These LOG Files are not written permanently within a specific timeslot so it would be great to have this Log Rotation Option. Maybe there is a scriptsolution?

    A: Yes this is indeed possible with Pascal Script (we tested this with version v2022.3.18.0).

    1.Function is set to Delete

    2.Source must be a Windows Folder or share

    3. Set ‘Source File Sort Order’ to ‘File last write date ascending (Old to New)

    Limagito Source File Sort Order

    4.Open Pascal Script setup:

    Limagito File Mover Pascal Script option

    5.Enable and add the following ‘On Destination’ Pascal Script (you can adjust the Const values of ctKeepFiles, ctSearchExt and ctSearchSubDirs):

      tmpCount: Integer;
      ctKeepFiles = 10;
      ctSearchExt = '*.log';
      ctSearchSubDirs = True; // True or False
      // ... add your code here
      tmpCount := psCountFiles(psFilePath, ctSearchExt, ctSearchSubDirs);
      // Check
      If tmpCount > ctKeepFiles Then
        psExitCode := 1;
        psLogWrite(1, '', 'Skip Delete, Minimum count reached');
        psExitCode := -2;

    Limagito File Mover keep the last 10 Files

    You’ll find ‘Skip Delete’ in the RunTime Log when the minimum amout of log files needed is reached. Further deletes will be skipped.

    Limagito File Mover RunTime log


    If you need any info about this ‘keep a number of files’ request, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team Pascal Script ,
  • 22 Mar

    Google drive v3 api coming to Limagito File Mover

    At this moment we are testing our new Google drive v3 api implementation within Limagito File Mover. Next we would like to add support for Google shared drives (formerly known as Team Drives).

    If you would like to help, this would be much appreciated. Please let us know.

    Limagito File Mover google drive v3 api


    #filetransfer #drive

    If you need any info about this ‘Google drive v3 api’ option, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team Google , ,
  • 20 Mar

    Q&A 48: Get an actual Rule Report for all Rules we currently have

    Q: I have been asked the second time now if it is possible that I got out an actual Rule Report for all Rules we currently have in Limagito. It`s just all the reporting and documentation obligations our company has to follow. Of course it would be possible to print that on a per Rule-Basis. It would be great if there is an option to generate all Rule-Reports for all Rules at once
    A: Yes this is possible using some Pascal Script. We added some screenshots to get you started.

    1. Add the following Pascal Script as Source (do not forget to adjust the ctDestPath). Our Report output path will be C:\Test\Reports\.

      tmpInfo: String;
      ctDestPath = 'C:\Test\Reports\';
      psExitCode:= 1;
      // ... add your code here
      tmpInfo := psSaveRuleReportsAsHTML(ctDestPath);
      psLogWrite(1, '', tmpInfo);

    Limagito File Mover Pascal Script as Source

    2. In this example we disabled the scan timers because we will trigger the rule manually:

    Limagito File Mover Schedule Setup

    3. No Destinations are needed:

    Limagito File Mover Destination Setup

    4. We enabled the Rule and clicked the trigger button (small green arrow on he right of the enable/status button):

    Limagito File Mover trigger rule

    5. Result in the output folder, all the rule reports are saved as html:

    Limagito File Mover Rule Report for all Rules


    If you need any info about this ‘Rule Report for all Rules’ option, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team

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