File Mover Blog

  • 18 Dec

    Sharing destination file names between destinations

    Q: Sharing destination file names between destinations. When a rule has two destinations, and the first destination renames the file, is there a way to get that destination file name as a replacement parameter in the next destination? Specifically, I have a rule that uses a chain of 70+ regex rules to rename the file to a Win destination (ID1), and I want to pass the destination file name to an HTTP WebForm in the next destination (ID2). I’d rather do the rename once and reference the results in later destinations, than have to build all those rename rules again.

    A: We added a new option in version v2021.12.18.0 to achieve this.

    Renaming, Added Renamed Var %RFN, %RFP, .. (v2021.12.18.0) [+]

    %RFN = Renamed File Name
    %RFW = Renamed file name Without extension
    %RFD = Renamed File Dir
    %RFP = Renamed File Path

    It should be used with multiple Destinations.

    We added some screenshots to get you started. In our example we added two WIN Destinations.

    Limagito File Mover Multiple Destinations

    The file renaming of the First Destination in our example:

    Limagito File Mover File renaming

    A simple renaming example where we add ‘Prefix-‘ to the filename:

    Limagito File Mover RegEx renaming

    So after the first Destination the %RFN var will containe the renaming result of the First Destination. This %RFN var can now be used as replacement paramater in the remaining Destinations.

    As a test we added the following renaming setup in the Second Destination. We replace the original filename with the content of %RFN var. You can also use the %RFN var as replacement parameter in other options the remaining Destinations.

    Limagito File Mover RegEx Renaming

    RunTime Log Result:

    Limagito File Mover RunTime log result


    If you need any info about this ‘file names between destinations’ question, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team How-to ,
  • 13 Dec

    Is Limagito affected by the security risk CVE-2021-44228 (Log4j)?

    Q: Is Limagito affected by the security risk CVE-2021-44228 (Log4j)?

    A: No, we don’t use Java (or .Net), all native code.


    Apache Log4j is a Java-based logging utility originally written by Ceki Gülcü. It is part of the Apache Logging Services, a project of the Apache Software Foundation. Log4j is one of several Java logging frameworks.

    Best Regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team Logging
  • 05 Dec

    SQL Batch Move turn off SQL datatype guessing

    SQL Batch Move turn off SQL datatype guessing

    We received the following information from a user:

    Q: We’ve noticed an issue with the SQL Import (= SQL as Destination) – it appears that Limagito is attempting to guess the datatype, when this doesn’t match it fails to import – is there a way we can disable the datatype guessing?

    Briefly the issues encountered:

    1) In this example the import failed even though the source data was only 1 char long and table datatype nchar(1) – but that character was an N, what Limagito wanted to do was convert this to the word FALSE, I could see this after changing the table datatype to nchar(5). So it had assumed a boolean (conversely putting a Y in the field transformed it to TRUE)
    6/11/2021 3:11:52 PM Batch Move Exception: [FireDAC][Phys][ODBC]-345. Data too large for variable [TapShift]. Max len = [1], actual len = [5] Hint: set the TFDParam.Size to a greater value

    2) In this example the import failed as Limagito guessed this was a datetime field, it’s not – the table is setup to hold an nvarchar(10)
    1/12/2021 1:56:18 PM Batch Move Exception: [FireDAC][Comp][DM]-607. Bad text value [B2523:1] format for mapping item [FurnPrep]. ‘B2523:1’ is not a valid time

    A: Some background information first. In version 2019.8.17.0 we added a Batch Move option which will take the data from the source (csv) file and will insert this data into the Database (= SQL as Destination).

    In version v2021.12.5.0 we added a ‘GuessFormat Override DataType by Field Names’ option. This option gives you the possibility to override the DataTypes we guessed. To help you we also added some extra information in the (RunTime) log which shows you the guessed DataTypes.

    Limagito File Mover GuessFormat log

    Where can you find this option? Open your Destination Setup. Select an existing or open a new SQL as Destination.

    Limagito File Mover SQL as Destination

    ‘Batch Move of Data’ should be selected.

    Limagito File Mover SQL Batch Move

    Select ‘Batch Move’ Tab > ‘Text’ Tab. Here you will find the ‘GuessFormat Type Override by Field Names’ option. You can enter the field name(s) for the data types you want to override. When adding multiple field names, you need to use a , (comma) to seperate them (important).

    Enter Field Names which we should override. We are using CommaText to get or set these field names. The single comma-delimited string format is also known as the system data format (SDF). For SDF format, Field Names are separated by commas, and optionally enclosed in double quotes. Double quote marks that are part of the string are repeated to distinguish them from the quotes that surround the string. Commas that are not contained within double quote marks are delimiters. Two commas next to each other will indicate an empty string and will be ignored.

    Suppose we want to override the following Field names:

    Field 3

    Result as CommaText should be:

    Field1,”Fie,ld2″,Field 3, “Field””4”

    In the following screenshot we override the guessed DataType to STRING for the Field Names STRING1 – STRING 2 – STRING,3 – String4 found in the csv source file.

    Limagito File Mover Batch Move Setup


    If you need any info about this ‘how-to turn off SQL datatype guessing’ question, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team SQL
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