Q: I was curious if it is possible to setup a wildcard config for source directories. In this example, folders with media are created every January 1st. I like the source path to be something like \\MyServer\MyShare\media\202* , essentially only looking for folders with a year of 2020 or greater.

A: Yes this is possible. Could you please try:
– Setup WIN as Source folder. Directory: \\MyServer\MyShare\media\
(ignore the red text, it’s just an example)
– Add the following Directory Filter Setup:
We’ll exclude files in the base folder (\\MyServer\MyShare\media\)
We added a Subdirectory Include Name Filter:
Important, we’ll also exclude subfolders of invalid Subdirectories.
Feedback user: Thank you. This seems to work.
If you need any
help with this ‘wildcard config for source directories’ request, please let us know.
Best Regards,
Limagito Team