move a folder tree

  • 18 Jul

    How to move a folder tree and files when the subfolder matches my criteria

    Q: How to move a folder tree and files when the subfolder matches my criteria. I want to move a folder tree (with his files) from « home » only when the level 2 subfolder match “pour_ftv_editorial”.  The source is FTP and destination is Windows folder.

    Limagito  check the source folder « home »

    Limagito move in the destination folder « home_out »

    • SOURCE (FTP)

    limagito file mover move a folder tree

    • Destination (Windows Folder)

    limagito file mover move a folder tree

    A: This should be possible using the following “Directory filter”:

    • Enable “Include Subdirectories to allow us to scan the subfolders of your Source.
    • Enable “Exclude Basedirectory” because we don’t want to pickup files from the Root Source folder.

    limagito file mover subdirectory filter

    • As Include Directory name filter we will use: */pour_ftv_editorial/*

    limagito filemover directory filter

    limagito file mover directory filter

    Feedback user: “it works! Great”

    #mft #filetransfer #filemanagement

    If you need any info about this question, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team Filters