
  • 23 Jul

    How to access Google Drive using a JSON or PKCS12 Private Key

    How to access Google Drive using a JSON or PKCS12 Private Key

    In version v2024.7.23.0 we add the following Google Drive options:

    • Access using a JSON Private Key file
    • Access using a .p12 Private Key file
    • Delegated Access option

    In your Google Drive setup:

    • API must be Vendor 2 – CK
    • Auth Type > Private Key File (JSON or .12)

    limagito file mover google drive setup

    Switch to Security Tab:

    • Select the “Key” button to import the Private Key File
      • The content of the file is imported to our settings database (AES256 encrypted)
    • On this Security Tab you can enable Delegated Access

    limagito file mover google drive delegated access setup

    Select the Private Key file you want to use. We downloaded these files from the Google Cloud Console after adding a service account.

    limagito filemover google drive private key file import

    Google Cloud Console ‘Service Accounts’ setup:

    limagito file mover google cloud console

    Double click on your Service Account and switch to KEYS tab:

    limagito file mover cloud console


    limagito file mover google drive setup

    Delegated Access:

    To use delegated access you’ll need to:

    • Add the email address of your  service account to the ‘Email Address field’
      • not needed with JSON because this address is in the JSON file
    • Add the email address of the user for which the application is requesting delegated access to the ‘Sub Email Address’ field.
    • Enable domain-wide authority to the service account: link

    If you need any help with this ‘JSON or PKCS12 Private Key’ option, please let us know.

    Best Regards,

    Limagito Team

    #managedfiletransfer #filetransfer #filemanagement

    By Limagito-Team Google , ,