
  • 12 Jun

    How to copy a raw file if a pdf file with the similar name exists

    Q: How to copy a raw file if a pdf file with the similar name exists. I am trying to have a rule run that when the PDF exists in the folder then to copy our .raw file of a similar name. But if the PDF doesn’t exist that means the run isn’t done yet. So we need it to scan the folder looking for a new pdf if there is one the .raw file will then copy. Right now we run a PowerShell to do the work but maybe there’s a better way.

    A: So this would  mean:
    – Limagito Rule would scan for .raw files
    – If .raw files is found > scan different folder (and subfolders) for .pdf file with similar name
    – If pdf file exists then copy .raw file

    Should be possible, we prepared some screenshots.

    – Source Setup, we used a local Windows folder as Source:

    limagito file mover windows folder as source

    – File Filter Setup:

    limagito file mover file filter setup
    – Open our Pascal Script option:

    limagito file mover pascal script option

    – Enable and add the following ‘On Destinations‘ Pascal Script. Do not forget to adjust the pdf Search Path const, must end with a \

      tmpFilename: String;
      tmpList: TStringList;
      ctSearchPath = 'C:\Test\Nova\Pdf\';    
      psExitCode:= 0;
      tmpList := Nil;
      tmpFilename := ChangeFileExt(psFileName, '.pdf');
      // ... add your code here
        tmpList := psListFiles(ctSearchPath, tmpFilename, True);  
        If Assigned(tmpList) And (tmpList.Count > 0) Then
          psExitCode := 1;
          psLogWrite(1, '', 'Found ' + tmpFilename + ' in ' + ctSearchPath);
          psLogWrite(1, '', tmpFilename + ' not available yet in ' + ctSearchPath);

    limagito file mover on destinations pascal script

    – Enable File Memory (we only want to copy the same .raw file once)

    limagito file mover file memory option

    – We used Copy as Function (that is why we enabled our File Memory option)

    limagito file mover function setup

    – Add Destination for .raw files

    limagito file mover destination setup

    – RunTime Log result

    + at our first try the corresponding pdf was not available yet
    + at our second try we found the corresponding pdf file and copied the raw file

    limagito file mover runtime log result

    #filetransfer #mft #filemanagement
    If you need any info  about this ‘similar name exists’ request, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team How-to