• 15 Nov

    Q&A 30: I only want to email the latest run time log

    Q: I only want to have email the latest run time. We are trying to come up with a standard email notification format, and we just could not figure out to set up email body as we want. What I would like to want is to have email only to show the result of the latest action.

    A: We are going to use a small Pascal Script to achieve this. Please have a look at the following screenshots.

    Open the Pascal Script Setup of this Rule:

    • Enable ‘On Rule Begin’
    • Add the following ‘On Rule Begin’ Script. Function psRTLog will clear the RunTime Log.
      psExitCode:= 1;
      // ... add your code here

    Limagito File Mover Reset RunTime Log

    In your email setup you can use  %LRT  (%LRT = Log RunTime) to show the RunTime Log content:

    Limagito File Mover Email Setup

    We decided to make it even easier in our latest version and added an alternative to using Pascal Script. This new build will be available soon.

    Limagito File Mover Clear Log at Rule Begin

    If you need any help with our ‘Clear Log at Rule Begin’ option, please let us know.

    Best Regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team Logging Q&A , , ,
  • 11 Nov

    Pascal Script Xml Functions added to Limagito File Mover

    Pascal Script Xml Functions added to Limagito File Mover

    We added two extra Pascal Script functions in version v2020.11.11.0.

    • Function psXMLGetAttribute(Const aXML, aRootNode, aChildNode, aAttrName: String): String;
    • Function psXMLSetAttribute(Const aXML, aRootNode, aChildNode, aAttrName, aAttrValue: String): String;

    These functions allow you to Get and Set Xml Attributes. aRootNode or aChildNode can be empty. We prepared the Pascal Script engine to be ready for other Xml requests users may have. Don’t hesitate to ask for extra Xml features.

    We added these functions because we received the following request:

    Currently I have different XML-Files which more or less will have static file contents besides that it would be needed to update one field with the current date of the day. Scheduler will be used and set to run every weekday at approx. 23:59:59.  In the files the XML-field document > date need to be updated in date format YYYY-MM-DD.

    Example for today (2020-11-11):

    <document level=”01-01-xx-xx-xx” date=”2020-11-11″ name=”davinci”>

    Rest of the file contents stays unchanged.


    • In the following example will change the value of a node attribute. The Source will be a Xml file (WIN as Source).

    Limagito File Mover WIN as Source

    • The Destination is Pascal Script. The Script will use these new function and write the adjusted Xml content to a new file.

    Limagito File Mover Pascal Script as Destination

    • Don’t forget to adjust the Const ctDest to the path you need the adjusted xml to be saved in.

      iList: Integer;
      tmpDateStr: String;
      tmpList: TStringList;
      tmpPos: Integer;
      tmpXml: String;
      ctDest = 'C:\Test\In\Patrick\Out\';
      psExitCode:= 0;
      // ... add your code here
      // <!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?-->
      tmpList := TStringList.Create;
          // Load Xml File
          psLogWrite(1, '', 'Loading ' + psFilePath + psFileName);
          tmpList.LoadFromFile(psFilePath + psFileName);
          // Prepare Date as String
          tmpDateStr := FormatDateTime('YYYY-MM-DD', Now); // i.e. 2020-11-10
          // Function psXMLGetAttribute(Const aXML, aRootNode, aChildNode, aAttrName): String;
          tmpXml := psXMLGetAttribute(Trim(tmpList.Text), 'document', '', 'date');
          psLogWrite(1, '', 'XML Get Date Attr Value: ' + tmpXML);
          // Function psXMLSetAttribute(Const aXML, aRootNode, aChildNode, aAttrName, aAttrValue: String): String;
          psLogWrite(1, '', 'XML Set Date Attr Valuet ' + tmpDateStr);
          tmpXml := psXMLSetAttribute(Trim(tmpList.Text), 'document', '', 'date', tmpDateStr);
          // Save To File
          // psLogWrite(1, '', 'XML Result: ' + tmpXml);
          tmpList.Text := Trim(tmpXML);
            tmpList.SaveToFile(ctDest + psFileName);
            psLogWrite(1, '', 'SaveToFile: ' + psFilePath + psFileName + ' Successful');
            // Set Result
            psExitCode:= 1;
            psLogWrite(1, '', 'SaveToFile:' + psFilePath + psFileName + ' Error');
          psLogWrite(1, '', 'LoadFromFile: ' + psFilePath + psFileName + ' Error');


    • Original Source Xml file contains a Date attribute with value “2018-11-30”:

    Limagito File Mover Xml Source example

    • The new Destination Xml file contains the adjusted Date attribute with value “2020-11-11”:

    Limagito File Mover Xml Destination Example

    • RunTime log result:

    Limagito File Mover Xml RunTime Log

    If you need any help with these Pascal Script ‘Xml functions’, please let us know.

    Best Regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team Pascal Script XML ,
  • 11 Nov

    Q&A 31: Direct Download Links Limagito File Mover

    Direct Downloads from Limagito.com are tested using VirusTotal

    v2024 Latest version:

    v2024 Stable version:

    v2025 RC1:

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