File Mover Blog

November 8, 2020

Added SharePoint as Source in Limagito File Mover

In version v2020.11.8 we added SharePoint as Source in Limagito File Mover. Once more, special thanks to Brad who helped us with the test account, much appreciated. In the next couple of weeks we’ll add SharePoint to the Web Remote Tool.

Limagito File Mover Sharepoint as Source

SharePoint Source Setup:

We currently provide 4 authentication methods:

  1. Online Authentication Method:
    • Is the one we used during our tests. The end result of authentication is to establish an HTTP cookie, named “SPOIDCRL”, that contains a binary security token to be sent in subsequent SharePoint HTTPS requests. This cookie is kept in memory (not saved to disk).
    • We need your Username (i.e. and Password
  2. NTLM Authentication Method (Windows classic mode authentication):
    • For example, imagine our SharePoint endpoint is ‘’
      • The Site Url would be:
      • The NTLM Domain would be:
      • The Username would be just the name, not a full email address.
        • For example: myname instead of
  3. Online Authentication using Client Credentials without User Dialog
    • In this case you don’t need to use the Username and Password fields
    • We will use your Client ID and Client Secret from the OAuth2 tab instead
  4. Online Authentication using OAuth 2.0
  5. OAuth 2.0 Authorizaton Code Flow (Prefered option)

>Screenshot setup using authentication method 1)

Limagito File Mover Sharepoint as Source Setup

>Screenshots setup using authentication method 3)

Limagito File Mover SharePoint Setup

Limagito File Mover SharePoint Client Credentials

SharePoint RunTime Log result

Limagito File Mover Sharepoint as Source RunTime Log

If you need any help with ‘SharePoint as Source’, please let us know.

Best Regards,

Limagito Team

By Limagito-Team SharePoint , Share: