
  • 18 Jul

    How to copy files from an FDA regulated equipment without modifying

    Q: We are trying to run a copy of files from an FDA regulated equipment to an external NAS. That part we’ve got down. Works great.  The item that I have not figured out is that since these are regulated devices. Files cannot be modified. If they are, there’s an issue. Is there a way so that if a file has been modified on the source, it is NOT copied to the destination NAS with the same name, but instead is copied with a rename function tied to is (such as extending the name with ‘changed-yyyymm hhmm’) or similar.   Newly created files, would be copied with their original names in place. Only modified/changed flies would be renamed. Would this have to be a second copy rule or can we do all of this within one. Thanks for the assistance.

    A: this option is available under the “File & Directory” tab of your Windows as Destination setup:

    • Please adjust “File Options” to: “Add dot datetime (pre-ext) suffix if exists”. DateTime suffix format will be YYYMMDDHHNNSS.
      • This “Add dot datetime (pre-ext) suffix if exists” option was added in v2023.7.10.0

    limagito file mover FDA regulated equipment

    #mft #filetransfer #filemanagement

    If you need any info about this “FDA regulated equipment” question, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team How-to WIN ,
  • 25 Jun

    How to transfer a single file even if multiple files match the file filter

    Q: Is there a way to limit Limagito to only transfer a single file even if multiple files match the file filter? I am looking to rate limit our upload of specific files. Instead of uploading them all at once, I just want to upload one every 30 minutes.

    A: This is possible. Please open the “Schedule” setup  and set “Max. Files processed in One Scan” to 1. Use the “Timer” or “Scheduler” and set it to every 30 minutes.

    limagito file mover schedule option

    #Filetransfer #mft

    If you need any info about this request, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team How-to
  • 25 Jun

    Can file mover alert me if files haven’t moved from a folder

    How to alert me if files haven’t moved

    Q: We haven’t spoken in a while which means file mover is working great. I have a question though, can file mover alert me if files haven’t moved from a folder it has delivered some files to? I’m having some different trouble with an application which has just started. One input folder is sometimes not moving the files into the next application, when you click on the folder in this application it looks empty, but when you look at the folder in the OS you can see its got loads of files in.
    I would love to have an alert to say that there are 5 or more files in this folder, is there a problem.

    A: This is possible using our scripting option. Please have a look at the following screenshots. If you need any help, please let us know.

    • Important, the “Function” must be set to COPY
    • We added a Windows folder as Source (but any other Source types should work also)

    limagito file mover windows folder as source

    • In our example we want to count files older than 5 minutes so we added the following “File Date Include” filter:

    limagito file mover file filter setup

    • As Destination we added our “Pascal Script” option. The script will use an internal Counter psVIA (pascal script Variable Integer A) to count the amount of files we found.

    limagito file mover destination setup

      psExitCode:= 1;
      // ... add your code here
      psVIA := psVIA + 1;

    limagito file mover pascal script as destination

    • Please open our “Rule Events” option:

    limagito file mover rule events option

    • Select and enable “On Rule Begin” event and enable “Enable Pascal Script”. Add the following script which will reset our internal counter psVIA when the Rule begins scanning.
      psExitCode:= 1;
      // ... add your code here
      psVIA := 0;

    limagito file mover rule events option

    • Select and enable “On Rule End” event and enable “Enable Pascal Script”. Add the following script. We use a second internal variable psVIB to create a memory function regarding the sending of the email.
      ctMaxFilesAllowed = 5;
      psExitCode:= 0;
      // ... add your code here
      If (psVIA > ctMaxFilesAllowed) Then
        If psVIB = 0 Then
          psVIB := 1; 
          psExitCode := 1;
          psLogWrite(1, '', 'Send Email, Max files reached');
        psVIB := 0;  

    limagito file mover rule events option

    • Be sure to enable the “Use Pascal Script as Event Precondition” under Options for the “On Rule End’ event. The result of the Pascal Script (psExitCode) will determine of an email will be sent or not.

    limagito file mover rule events option

    • Setup email for the “On Rule End” event.
      • Enable “Enable Mail” option
      • Setup Email
      • Setup Common (or Rule) SMTP. The Common setup can be used by other Rules and is mostly used.

    limagito file rule events option

    limagito file mover email setup

    • We are using the Google SMTP server in this example:

    limagito file mover common smtp setup

    • RunTime Log result:
      • The first time the Rule was triggered, it found more than 5 files and an email was sent.
      • The second time the amount of files was still more than 5 files but we didn’t sent an email. We will wait until the amount of files is lower again to reset this memory status.

    limagirto file move runtime log result

    #Filetransfer #SMTP

    If you need any info about this “alert me if files haven’t moved” option, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team

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