
  • 25 Mar

    Log File keeps increasing although the maximum size is set

    Log File keeps increasing although the maximum size is set

    Dear users,

    We recently installed our file mover at a new customer. From the first moment on we had issues with our History Log option (= logging to file). The log file kept on growing although the maximum logsize and log count were set. We tried many (many) different settings, we even installed our file mover on a second system but the result was always the same. Sometimes the filesize even stayed at zero bytes (using the Windows File Explorer) but when we opened the file it contained log data.  We had never experienced this in all those years. After a lot of tests we found a workaround and changed our logging code. Now we count the bytes we write to the log file so we no longer depend on what the Windows Filesize API tells us. We changed this in version v2021.3.20.0.

    Limagito File Mover History Logging

    We really appreciate all the help we got from Jason and Jay.

    If you need any help with this ‘Log File keeps increasing’ issue, please let us know.

    Best Regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team Logging ,
  • 15 Nov

    Q&A 30: I only want to email the latest run time log

    Q: I only want to have email the latest run time. We are trying to come up with a standard email notification format, and we just could not figure out to set up email body as we want. What I would like to want is to have email only to show the result of the latest action.

    A: We are going to use a small Pascal Script to achieve this. Please have a look at the following screenshots.

    Open the Pascal Script Setup of this Rule:

    • Enable ‘On Rule Begin’
    • Add the following ‘On Rule Begin’ Script. Function psRTLog will clear the RunTime Log.
      psExitCode:= 1;
      // ... add your code here

    Limagito File Mover Reset RunTime Log

    In your email setup you can use  %LRT  (%LRT = Log RunTime) to show the RunTime Log content:

    Limagito File Mover Email Setup

    We decided to make it even easier in our latest version and added an alternative to using Pascal Script. This new build will be available soon.

    Limagito File Mover Clear Log at Rule Begin

    If you need any help with our ‘Clear Log at Rule Begin’ option, please let us know.

    Best Regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team Logging Q&A , , ,
  • 01 Aug

    Q&A 21: Generate a status file for each file which was successfully moved

    Q:  I need to know if a status file can be generated when a file is successfully moved that includes the source location?

    We would like a log file generated called 123456.pdf.log that contains the following data:

    Remote path: C:\upload\input\123456.pdf
    Affinity PDF has been transferred to distiller
    Delivery log name: C:\upload\output\123456.pdf.log

    The remote path is the location where the file was moved from
    The second line is just a text line
    The Delivery Log Name is the location where the file was placed and the name of the log file

    A: Yes this is possible using some Pascal Script.

    Let’s start with the Source. In our example it is a Windows Folder:


    LimagitoX File Mover Windows Folder as Source

    Important, in the function Setup you need to set the ‘Destination Options’ to ‘Exit Cyclus on Error’. Reason is that we want to be 100% sure that the file was moved before we write the status file.

    LimagitoX File Mover Function Setup

    Destinations Setup, the first destination is the folder where the pdf needs to be moved to. The second destination is the ‘Pascal Script’ needed for the creation of the status file.

    LimagitoX File Mover Destinations

    We added a Windows folder as first Destination. Default Setup is ok.

    LimagitoX File Mover WIN as destination

    The second Destination is our ‘Pascal Script’ needed for the creation of the status file:

      tmpList: TStringList;
      tmpLogName: String;
      tmpLogPath: String;
      ctLogRootDir = 'C:\Test\Out\PDF';
      tmpLogPath := ctLogRootDir + '%SFS\';
      psExitCode:= 1;
      // ... add your code here    
      tmpList := TStringList.Create;
        tmpLogName := '%SFN.log';
          tmpList.Add('Remote path: %SFP%SFN'); 
          tmpList.Add('Affinity PDF has been transferred to distiller');
          tmpList.Add('Delivery log name: ' + tmpLogPath + tmpLogName);
          // Save
          psLogWrite(1, '', 'SaveToFile: ' + tmpLogPath + tmpLogName);
          tmpList.SaveToFile(tmpLogPath + tmpLogName);   
          psLogWrite(1, '', 'Log Create Error');

    LimagitoX File Mover Pascal Script as Destination

    RunTime Log Result:

    Output Folder Result:

    If you need any help , please let us know.
    Limagito Team
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