File Mover Blog

  • 14 Apr

    Environment Variables Update

    Dear Users,

    On request we’ve added extra Environment Variables in version v2019.4.14.0.

    Environment Variables:


    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team Parameters ,
  • 07 Apr

    How-To Backup LimagitoX Settings using DB Scheduler

    Dear Users,


    On request we’ve added an option to automatically backup the settings of our file mover using a schedule. All settings are stored in a SQLite Database and the most important one is ‘LimagitoX.sqlite’. It’s very important not to lock this file because this could interfere the File Mover operation. Please do not copy this file yourself because of the lock risk, always use the new scheduler option.

    Tools > Options > Database Tab

    Setup the Schedule

    The backup of the settings will be stored in the ‘Bak’ subfolder of the File Mover settings folder:


    Optionally you could create an extra Moving rule to copy/move these files to your storage server.

    If you want to create a backup manually.


    Limagito Team

  • 24 Mar

    IMAP search and filter options

    Dear Users,

    LimagitoX File Mover v2019.3.17.0

    We’ve made some adjustments to the IMAP File filter. Suppose you would like to download all pdf files attached in your email messages.

    1.Don’t forget to add *.pdf to the PreFix Filter option. Very important because otherwise we’ll have too much overhead.

    2.Secondly add the same filter to the File name filter since we only want the pdf file from the email. Other files in the message like .jpg (company logo or ..) will be ignored.


    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team IMAP4
1 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 147