File Mover Blog

  • 28 Jul

    Second IMAP4 Vendor option was added in Limagito File Mover

    A second IMAP4 vendor was added in LimagitoX File Mover version v2021.7.28.0. This second vendor is also based in the USA and has a long history with providing API’s for many internet protocols. The reason we did this is because we want to be ready for the future. This second vendor opens new opportunities and also supports TLS1.3 (Security Tab – Select ‘Automatically TLS’).

    Limagito File Mover IMAP4 Setup

    For this Second Vendor we added a ‘Custom Search Query’ option.

    Limagito File Mover IMAP4 Custom Search Query

    If you need any help with this ‘Second IMAP4 Vendor’, please let us know.

    Best Regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team IMAP4 ,
  • 15 Jul

    Can you use the date in a file name to create the subdirectory?

    Q: Can you use the date in a file name to create the subdirectory? So, when moving the attached file, we would like to create a sub-directory of:

    C:\Users\niall\WindowsDatabase\Destination\Valuation\2021\06. Jun\ ,

    Where ‘2021\06. Jun\’ is derived from the name of the source file? Thinking if we can pull a date variable/parameter from the filename we could pass it into the directory set-up. I can’t see how to get there.

    A: Yes this is possible using some Pascal Script.

    We received the following filename from the customer: ‘Valuation_2021-06-21.csv’. We’ll use this in the following example but remember we can adjust the script for any other filename you might have.

    1.Using a Windows folder as Source:

    Limagito File Mover Windows Folder as Source

    2.Open our ‘Pascal Script’ option:

    Limagito File Mover Pascal Script Menu

    3. Add  and enable the following ‘On Destination’ Pascal Script:


      tmpDate: TDateTime;
      tmpDatePart: String;
      tmpList: TStringList;
    Function GetDateFromString(const aInput: String): TDateTime;
      wYear, wMonth, wDay: Word;
      wYear := StrToInt(Copy(aInput, 1, 4));
      wMonth := StrToInt(Copy(aInput, 6, 2));
      wDay := StrToInt(Copy(aInput, 9, 2));
        Result := EncodeDate(wYear, wMonth, wDay);
        Result := 0;
      // Valuation_2021-06-21.csv
      psExitCode:= 0;
      // ... add your code here
      tmpList := TStringList.create;
        tmpList.delimiter := '_';
        tmpList.DelimitedText := psFileName;
        If tmpList.Count >= 2 Then
          tmpDatePart := tmpList.Strings[1];
          psLogWrite(1, '', 'DatePart from File ' + psFilePath + psFileName + ': ' + tmpDatePart);
          tmpDate := GetDateFromString(tmpDatePart);
          // 2021\06. Jun\
          If Not (tmpDate = 0) Then
            psVSA := FormatDateTime('YYYY', tmpDate);
            psVSA := psVSA + '\' + FormatDateTime('DD', tmpDate);
            psVSA := psVSA + '. ' + FormatDateTime('MMM', tmpDate) + '\';
            // Debug        
            psLogWrite(1, '', 'Result psVSA: ' + psVSA);
            psExitCode := 1;
            psLogWrite(1, '', 'GetDateFromString Error, ' + tmpDatePart);
          psLogWrite(1, '', 'Count FileName _ Parts Error, ' + psFileName);

    Limagito File Mover Pascal Script

    4. Adjust the ‘Create Subdir option’ to %VSA in your Destination Setup. We used a Windows folder as Destination in our example.

    Limagito File Mover Destination Setup

    5. RunTime Log Result:

    Limagito File Mover RunTime Log


    If you need any info about this ‘date in a file name to create the subdirectory’ feature, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team

  • 14 Jul

    Q&A 44: How-To Backup your Limagito File Mover Settings manually

    Backup your Limagito File Mover Settings. We tried to make this as simple as possible because we understand when a system crashes you need to be up and running asap. That’s why we store all our settings default within the following single folder: ‘C:\ProgramData\LimagitoX’.  The main settings file is the SQLite file called ‘LimagitoX.sqlite’.

    Besides that when using the File Mover as Service you need to remember the ‘Logon As’ account which you used. Don’t forget to keep a copy of the installer. We don’t need any .net or Java version.

    To be on the safe side:
    – Create a backup of your settings regularly (manually or automatic)
    – Remember the ‘Logon As’ account of the File Mover Service
    – Keep a backup of the ‘Limagito File Mover’ installer you used

    1.To create a backup of your settings open the ‘Tools’ menu and select ‘Options’.

    Limagito File Mover Backup Settings

    2.Click ‘Backup Settings Database Now’.

    Limagito File Mover Backup Settings

    3. Check your freshly created backup. Open the ‘Tools’ menu and select ‘Settings Directory’.

    Limagito File Mover Backup Settings

    4. Now you are in the subfolder ‘Bak’ of our default ‘Settings’ folder. There should be a subfolder with the current date as folder name. In our case this is ‘20210714180640’, we use ‘YYYYMMDDHHNNSS’ as format.

    Limagito File Mover Backup Settings

    5. The subfolder contains all the settings files you need in case your system would crash. Place a copy of this folder on a different (storage) system.

    FYI, be sure to create a backup of any ‘non default’ files you are using together with our file mover (private key files, public key files, ..).

    >> Now your backup is ready <<

    Limagito File Mover Backup Settings

    6. In case of a system crash you’ll first need to run the installer on the new system. The installer will create our default Settings folder: ‘C:\ProgramData\LimagitoX’. Copy & paste all files from a previous backup folder into our default settings folder so it looks like the following screenshot again. You need to do this before you start any File Mover Application or Service.

    Next, use the LimagitoXC.exe (Config Tool) to install the File Mover Service. Before you start the Service, first change the default ‘Logon As’ user of the File Mover Service to the one you were using before.

    Limagito File Mover Backup Settings



    If you need any info about howto ‘Backup your Limagito File Mover Settings’, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team Q&A Settings Backup ,
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