
  • 28 Apr

    Q&A 2: Is it possible to rename a file that has a date in the filename to also include the day of the week?

    Q: Is it possible in LimagitoX File Mover to rename a file that has a date in the filename to also include the day of the week?
    Here is an example of what I would like to rename.
    Original Filename: XYZ001D_04_21_20_ABCD.pdf
    (04_21_20 = April 21, 2020)
    Rename To:  Tues_XYZ001D_04_21_20_ABCD.pdf

    A: Yes this is possible using Pascal Script. Some screenshots to get you started.
    Add The Following ‘On Destination’ Pascal Script:

    // Original Filename: XYZ001D_04_21_20_ABCD.pdf
    // (04_21_20 = April 21, 2020)
    // Rename To:  Tues_XYZ001D_04_21_20_ABCD.pdf
      tmpDate: TDateTime;
      tmpDateStr: String;
      tmpPos: Integer;
      tmpLen: Integer;
      tmpDay: Integer;
      ctDateLen = 8;  
      psExitCode := 0;
      // ... add your code here
      tmpPos := pos('_', psFileName);
      tmpLen := Length(psFileName);
      // Check
      If (tmpPos = 0) And (tmpLen = tmpPos + ctDateLen) Then
          tmpDateStr := Copy(psFileName, tmpPos+1, ctDateLen);
          psLogWrite(1, '', 'Date stripped as String: ' + tmpDateStr);
          tmpDate := psStrToDate(tmpDateStr, 'mm_dd_yy', '_');      
          tmpDay := DayOfTheWeek(tmpDate);
          psLogWrite(1, '', 'Day Of The Week: ' + IntToStr(tmpDay));
          Case tmpDay Of
          1: psVSA := 'Mond_'; // Monday
          2: psVSA := 'Tues_'; // Tuesday
          3: psVSA := 'Wedn_'; // Wednesday
          4: psVSA := 'Thur_'; // Thursday
          5: psVSA := 'Frid_'; // Friday
          6: psVSA := 'Satu_'; // Saturday
          7: psVSA := 'Sund_'; // Sunday
          // Set ExitCode
          psExitCode := 1;
          psLogWrite(1, '', 'Exception Error when searching for Date in filename: ' + psFilePath + psFileName);     
        psLogWrite(1, '', 'Not a valid filename: ' + psFilePath + psFileName);  

    In your Destination Setup select the ‘Rename’ Tab. Enable ‘Rename Files during Copy/Move and click the button next to this option.

    File Rename Setup:
    RegEx:                (.*)
    Replacement:    %VSA\1

    The goal of this renaming is to add the %VSA var in front of the filename. The %VSA var was previously set in the Pascal Script.
    The \1 corresponds with the RegEx (.*) which is in this case the complete filename.

    If you need help, please let us know. Don’t hesitate to ask.

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team Q&A ,