• 01 Nov

    Q&A 28: We need to use the PGP encryption option in Limagito File Mover

    Q: We need to use the PGP encryption option that I understand that the software is capable of. Can you please send me a manual or instructions note on how to configure?

    A: Some screenshots to get you started:

    Please add WIN as Destination

    Limagito File Mover WIN as Destination

    Select the WIN Destination Directory (Setup Tab):

    Limagito File Mover Select WIN as Destination Folder

    Select Crypto Tab and Enable PGP Encryption (red markers):

    Limagito File Mover Enable PGP encryption

    Select PGP tab. In the following screenshot we used Passphrase as encryption type. Also Public Key for encryption is possible.

    Limagito File Mover PGP Encryption Setup

    If you need any help with the PGP encryption option, please let us know.

    Best Regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team Encryption PGP Q&A ,
  • 01 Nov

    Added SharePoint as Destination in Limagito File Mover

    In version v2020.11.1 we added SharePoint as Destination in Limagito File Mover. In the next couple of weeks we’ll add SharePoint as Source. Special thanks to Brad who helped us with the test account, much appreciated.

    Limagito File Mover SharePoint as Destination

    SharePoint Destination Setup:

    We currently provide 2 authentication methods so we realize that there may be cases where your situation is such that it does not work.

    • Online Authentication Method:
      • Is the one we used during our tests. The end result of authentication is to establish an HTTP cookie, named “SPOIDCRL”, that contains a binary security token to be sent in subsequent SharePoint HTTPS requests. This cookie is kept in memory (not saved to disk).
    • NTLM Authentication Method (Windows classic mode authentication):
      • For example, imagine our SharePoint endpoint is ‘https://xyzoffice.mycompany.com/’
        • The Site Url would be: https://xyzoffice.mycompany.com
        • The NTLM Domain would be: mycompany.com
        • The Username would be just the name, not a full email address. For example: myname instead of myname@mycompany.com.

    Limagito File Mover SharePoint Setup

    SharePoint RunTime Log result:

    Limagito File Mover SharePoint RunTime Log

    If you need any help with ‘SharePoint as Destination’, please let us know.

    Best Regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team SharePoint ,
  • 17 Oct

    Q&A 27: Check the length of a filename in LimagitoX File Mover

    Q: I want to check the length of a filename. We have a file renaming scheme that truncates the filename to a certain max length and adds a string to keep the file unique. Is it possible to add the string only when the filename gets truncated? or alternatively create a rule that only works if the filename is shorter than say 35 characters and another roule that works on files with a longer filename.
    A: Yes this is possible. We added 2 examples in this blog entry.
    1. First example will use the complete filename length and 2 rules.
    2. Second example will use the filename without extension and 1 rule with 2 destinations.

    First Example

    Please add two rules with the same source.

    We used the following include filter for the first rule:

    File Filter Setup > RegEx Tab > Include Filter

    Due to this RegEx file filter in the first rule it will include Filenames with length 1 .. 35 char

    LimagitoX File Mover RegEx File Filter

    We used the following include filter for the second rule:

    File Filter Setup > RegEx Tab > Include Filter

    Due to this RegEx file filter in the second rule it will include files with length longer than 35 char (36 to ..)

    LimagitoX File Mover File Length RegEx Check

    Second Example

    We added a second example because the user had the following remark: “again thank you for your help the expression is working well, but it counts all the characters including the extension, I’m just trying to avoid bugs (some extensions are 3 char other are 4).”

    In this second example the length of the filename without file extension will be important. We’ll use one rule with 2 destinations. Depending on the length of the filename (without extension) it will use the first or second destination.

    >We added a Windows folder as Source:

    LimagitoX File Mover File Length example

    >We added two Destinations (both Windows folders). Depending on the length of the filename (without extension) it will use the first or second destination.

    LimagitoX File Mover File Length example

    > Open ‘Pascal Script’ Setup (Moving Rule Menu item):

    LimagitoX File Mover Pascal Script menu item

    >Please add the following ‘ On Destinations‘ Pascal Script. We have set the Constant ‘ctMaxLen’ to 10 in our second example (you can change this). Filenames without extension and longer than 10 will go to the second Destination (ID2). The rest of the files will go the the first Destination (ID1).

      tmpFileExt: String;
      tmpFileName: String;
      tmpLength: Integer;
      ctMaxLen = 10;  
      psExitCode:= 0;
      // ... add your code here
      // psDestinationID	     'String' i.e. ID1, ID2,.. 
      tmpFileExt := ExtractFileExt(psFilename);
      tmpFileName := psStringReplace(psFilename, tmpFileExt, '');
      tmpLength := Length(tmpFileName);
      psLogWrite(1, '', 'Check length of ' + tmpFileName + ', Result: ' + IntToStr(tmpLength));
      // Default Do not Copy/Move
      psExitCode := -1;
      // Check first Destination, Copy/Move when equal of lower than ctMaxLen
      If (psDestinationID = 'ID1') And (tmpLength <= ctMaxLen) Then
        psLogWrite(1, '', 'Destination ID1 will be used');
        psExitCode := 1;
      // Check second Destination, Copy/Move when higher than ctMaxLen
      If (psDestinationID = 'ID2') And (tmpLength > ctMaxLen) Then
        psLogWrite(1, '', 'Destination ID2 will be used');
        psExitCode := 1;

    LimagitoX File Mover File Length Pascal Script

    >RunTime Log result. Files longer than 10 will use the second Destination (ID2).

    LimagitoX File Mover RunTime Log

    If you need any help with this ‘length of a filename’ request, please let us know.

    Best Regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team Filters Q&A
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