• 06 Dec

    How to add a record to a csv file

    How to add a record to a csv file

    Q: I have a job which is processed through another bit of software, I get 1 file in and at the end of the process, I can have over 100 data files.

    I need to add a record to the start of each file with the same structure, the fields can be empty but I do need to populate 2 of the fields.

    • Sequence fields needs to be 000000
    • Outname fields needs to be the name of the data file

    I then need to add a record at the end of the file but only 1 field needs to be populated

    • Sequence = 999999

    Is this achievable in Limagito? I can do this within the software that processes the data but it will be a very long process to set up.

    A: This should be possible using our scripting option.

    • We used a Windows folder as Source:

    limagito file mover windows folder as source

    • We added the following Include Filename filter because we want to be sure we only are going to handle csv files:

    limagito filemover filename filter

    • As Destination we used our PScript (Pascal Script) option:

    limagito filemover destination setup

    • Please add the following Pascal Script
      • Please add the following script: link
      • Do not forget to adjust the ctOutputPath ( path must end with a \ )
        • This is the path where the adjusted csv files will be saved

    limagito file mover add a record to a csv file

    • Example content of csv source file before changes:

    limagito filemover csv example file

    • Example content of csv destination file after changes:

    limagito file mover example csv file

    Feedback customer:

    You are an absolute legend. Thank you very much

    If you need any help with this “add a record to a csv file” question, please let us know.

    Best Regards,

    Limagito Team

    #csv #managedfiletransfer #filetransfer #filemanagement

    By Limagito-Team CSV Pascal Script ,
  • 20 Apr

    How to export all rules to CSV with column name, source and destination

    Is there a way to export all Limagito rules to CSV or Excel with the column of name, source and destination?

    In a recent version of Limagito File Mover we added the following Pascal Script function to achieve this:

    Function psExportRuleDataAsCSV(Const aFile, aData, aDelimiter: String): String;

    aFile = Output Csv file, e.g. ‘C:\Temp\RuleList.csv’
    aData = a ; seperated list of items you want to add ( When empty string we’ll use ‘1;2;3;4’ )
    1 = RuleID
    2 = DisplayName
    3 = Source
    4 = Destination
    5 = Rule Status (version v2024.9.7.0 and up)

    • 0 = Unknown
    • 1 = Scanning Disabled
    • 2 = Rule in Hold
    • 11 = Delete Function: Enabled
    • 12 = Delete Function: Disabled
    • 13 = Delete Function: Thread(s) Terminating
    • 14 = Delete Function: Thread(s) Running
    • 15 = Delete Function: Error as Info Status
    • 21 = Move Function: Enabled
    • 22= Move Function: Disabled
    • 23 = Move Function: Thread(s) Terminating
    • 24 = Move Function: Thread(s) Running
    • 25 = Move Function: Error as Info Status
    • 31 = Copy Function: Enabled
    • 32 = Copy Function: Disabled
    • 33 = Copy Function: Thread(s) Terminating
    • 34 = Copy Function: Thread(s) Running
    • 35 = Copy Function: Error as Info Status

    6 = GroupName (version v2024.10.15.0 and up)
    7 = Information
    8 = RuleSchedule (version v2024.10.15.0 and up)
    9 = GlobalSchedule (version v2024.10.15.0 and up)
    20 = RuleLogFile (version v2024.10.15.0 and up)
    21 = RuleLogFileName (version v2024.10.15.0 and up)
    22 = RuleLogFilePath (version v2024.10.15.0 and up)
    23 = GlobalLogFile (version v2024.10.15.0 and up)
    24 = GlobalLogFileName (version v2024.10.15.0 and up)
    25 = GlobalLogFilePath (version v2024.10.15.0 and up)


    aDelimiter = csv delimiter used in the csv outputfile


    • Setup is easy, you’ll only need to add our ‘Pascal Script’ option as Source

    limagito file mover pascal script as source

    • Do not forget to adjust the ‘ctOutputCsv’ const:
      • Please add the following script: link

    limagito file mover export all rules to CSV

    • This is all you need to do, just enable and trigger the Rule now
    • Output Csv file content:

    1,UNZIP Files Mike,[WIN]C:\Test\Out_Zip\,ID1[ZIP]C:\Test\Out_Zip\Out\
    2,WIN > Google Cloud Storage,[WIN]C:\Test\In\,ID2[GCLOUD]storage.googleapis.com/limagito/test
    3,GCloud > WIN,[GCLOUD]storage.googleapis.com/limagito/Test,ID1[WIN]C:\Test\Out\GCloud\

    If you need any help with our new ‘export all rules to CSV’ feature, please let us know. If you need more fields, please let us know.

    Best Regards,

    Limagito Team

    #managedfiletransfer #FileManagement #filetransfer

  • 05 Jan

    How to remove the header row from a CSV file

    How to remove the header row from a CSV file

    Q: We have a CSV file that contains a header row.  Is it possible for Limagito to remove the first row in the file when we move it to a new folder?  Both the start and ending locations are on a windows server.

    A: Yes, this is possible. Please have a look at the following screenshots.

    • The customer is using a Windows folder as Source so we used this also in our example:

    limagito file mover Windows folder as source

    • We added an include filename filter so we are 100% we’ll only pickup .csv files:

    limagito managedfiletransfer filename filter

    • In our Destination setup we added our ‘Pascal Script’ option:

    limagito managedfiletransfer destination setup

    • Please add the following script (v1): link
    • We also added an alternative for the first script. In this script you can enable or disable the “TrailingLineBreak = finishing line break” (v2): link
      • psSaveListToFile(tmpList, tmpOutputFile, False);
      • psSaveListToFile(tmpList, tmpOutputFile, True);
    • We even added a third possibility where you can change the encoding and BOM of the resulting Csv file (v3): link
    • If you would need a different option, please let us know, many options are possible.

    remove the header row

    • RunTime Log Result:

    remove the header row

    #csv #managedfiletransfer #filetransfer #filemanagement

    If you need any help with this ‘remove the header row’ question, please let us know.

    Best Regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team CSV Pascal Script , , ,
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