Remote Tool

  • 15 Sep

    Custom Response Headers for Limagito Web Remote Server

    In version v2021.9.15.0 we added a ‘Custom Response Headers’ option for our Limagito Web Remote Server.

    To add some custom headers:

    – First stop the Limagito Web Remote Service

    – Open our Limagito Config Tool (LimagitoXC.exe) > ‘Web Remote’ Tab > ‘Setup’

    – Add the ‘Custom Response Headers’ you need

    – Click <Save>

    – Close Limagito Config Tool (LimagitoXC.exe)

    – Start the Limagito Web Remote Service again

    In our example we added the following headers:

    X-Frame-Options: DENY
    X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
    X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff

    Limagito Web Remote Server Custom Response Headers

    #FileTransfer #vulnerability

    If you need any info about this ‘Custom Response Headers’ option, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team

  • 15 Aug

    Q&A 45: Using the Windows Remote Tool over the network

    Q: How can we use the Windows Remote Tool over the network. Can you explain me which port will need to be setup on the Client and the Server side? I didn’t find an answer on your blog side.

    A: This is possible using our IMC communication option. By default this option is disabled so we need to enable it first.

    IMC: Inter Machine Communication. Communication between different systems over the network.

    The system where the File Mover engine is running will act as a Server and is known as the Server system. On a second system, what we call a Client, you’ll have to run our File Mover installer too. You’ll only use the Windows Remote Tool exe file on this Client system. The Client system will connect to the Server system where the File Mover engine is running. You can use multiple Clients at the same time.

    Lets’ start:

    1. open our Limagito Config Tool (LimagitoXC.exe) on the system where the File Mover engine is running (= Server system).
    Switch to the ‘IMC’ Tab and ‘Enable IMC server’. Default IP is so it will use any IP which is assigned to the Host. Default Port is 10612.
    Click <Save>. It will check if the Service or Application engine is running, you need to stop this first otherwise the settings will not be saved.
    When saved, restart the File Mover engine (Service OR Application) again.
    Limagito File Mover IMC Setup
    2. On the Client system start Limagito Remote (LimagitoXR.exe) and select the IP address of the Server system where the  file mover engine is running.
    Hit <Connect>.

    Limagito File Mover IMC Login


    If you need any info about this ‘Windows Remote Tool over the network’ setup, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team Remote Tool ,
  • 15 Apr

    Icon Legend

    Dear Users,

    We often get questions about the color of a certain icon in the Rule list. The following icon legend is available under the Help menu item.

    Mostly users ask about the orange color. The icon turns orange when an error occurs. You can reset this status with a right click on the Rule and click ‘Reset Info Status’. To disable this this behaviour, right click on the Rule ans select ‘Disable Info Status’.


    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team Remote Tool
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