File Mover Blog

  • 24 Nov

    Pascal Script, User Request Example No 1

    Dear Users,

    We often get user specific questions. Not every request goes into our file transfer tool as an option. In such cases (and if it is possible) we create a custom Pascal Script for the end user.

    Example No1:

    People are asking a lot to LimagitoX. Today, a user asked me if I can make a LimagitoX rule with a filter on the number of lines in a file.

    Example:  Transfer the file if it contains more than 300 records.  The file type is *.txt

    The rule will be:

    Transfer files with less than 300 lines in weekday.

    Transfer files with more than 300 lines on Sunday.

    No transfer on Saturday.

    Do you think you can add such a kind of filter?


    For this request we created the ‘On Destination’ Pascal Script below. IMPORTANT: Be sure you set the file filter to only allow *.txt files

      tmpList: TStringList;
      tmpNow: TDateTime;
      psExitCode:= 0;
      // ... add your code here
      tmpList := TStringList.Create;
          tmpList.LoadFromFile(psFilePath + psFileName);
          tmpNow := Now;
          // Transfer files with less than 300 lines in weekday ( 1 .. 5 ).
          If (tmpList.Count < 300) And (DayOfTheWeek(tmpNow) < 6) Then Begin psLogWrite(1, '', 'Line Count of ' + psFilePath + psFileName + ' = ' + IntToStr(tmpList.Count)); psLogWrite(1, '', 'Day Of The Week is ' + IntToStr(DayOfTheWeek(tmpNow))); psExitCode := 1; End; // Transfer files with more than 300 lines on Sunday ( 7 ). If (tmpList.Count > 300) And (DayOfTheWeek(tmpNow) = 7) Then
            psLogWrite(1, '', 'Line Count of ' + psFilePath + psFileName + ' = ' + IntToStr(tmpList.Count));
            psLogWrite(1, '', 'Day Of The Week is ' + IntToStr(DayOfTheWeek(tmpNow)));
            psExitCode := 1;
          psLogWrite(1, '', 'Exception error on loading ' + psFilePath + psFileName);
    By Limagito-Team Pascal Script ,
  • 21 Nov

    HTTP AS2 Receiver

    Dear Users,

    As you probably know, our File Mover has a built in ‘Simple’ HTTP Server. Simple because the HTTP Server was only used to serve the RunTime Log as html page in your browser and also some basic functions were available. As this was deprecated by our Web Remote Tool, the idea was to remove the HTTP Server in one of our next releases. But .. this is not going to happen. We got a request from a user (hi Rian) to add a AS2 Receiver. Since AS2 is HTTP we needed a HTTP Server.

    To use the AS2 Receiver option you first need to ‘enable’ the HTTP Server. An option to enable SSL/TLS (HTTPS) is also available.

    The AS2 settings are available in the ‘AS2 Receiver’ tab.

    • AS2 Receiver Setup
      • Url Path: default /as2handler so in this case the HTTP Server will receive posted files to http(s)://MyIPAddress/as2handler
      • Output Directory: destination directory for
        • Received AS2 message file (.as2m)
        • Decrypted data file
        • Receipt file (.as2r – optional)
      • Message Filename: Filename structure for the received AS2 message file
      • Data Filename: Filename structure for the decrypted AS2 data file

    ( %SFN = filename of included data file in AS2 message )

    • AS2 Receiver Decryption Setup

    • AS2 Receiver Verification Setup

    • AS2 Receiver Receipt Setup

    Feedback would be, as always, much appreciated. Don’t hesitate to contact us.


    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team AS2
  • 03 Nov

    Domain Name System Security Extensions – DNSSEC

    Dear users,

    Regardins DNSSEC:

    Since version 2018.11.2.0 we’ve added a DNS option tab to the SFTP Source and Destination Setup. This option let’s you override the system DNS. Reason that we’ve added this is security (suppose your system got hacked). This option let’s you firmly control the DNS requests. We’ve also added an option to use DNSSEC (“Use Security”). This is all new for us so feedback is more than welcome.


    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team SFTP , ,
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