File Mover Blog

  • 03 Nov

    Domain Name System Security Extensions – DNSSEC

    Dear users,

    Regardins DNSSEC:

    Since version 2018.11.2.0 we’ve added a DNS option tab to the SFTP Source and Destination Setup. This option let’s you override the system DNS. Reason that we’ve added this is security (suppose your system got hacked). This option let’s you firmly control the DNS requests. We’ve also added an option to use DNSSEC (“Use Security”). This is all new for us so feedback is more than welcome.


    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team SFTP , ,
  • 04 Jun

    SSL Error Codes

    Copyright www.secureblackbox.comValuePossible reason and steps to take
    ERROR_SSL_TIMEOUT73730 (0x12002)
    1. Connection is made to/from a service that doesn’t talk proper SSL (e.g. a plain HTTP connection is made to an HTTPS port). Re-check that both client and server services are talking SSL.
    2. Unsupported version of the protocol. Try to play with Versions property of the SSL component and check if any of the combination helps.
    ERROR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC75778 (0x12802)The peers failed to negotiate a shared key material. Try connecting with different cipher suites one-by-one and check if any of them helps. If neither does, try to use a different protocol version.
    ERROR_SSL_DECODE_ERROR75792 (0x12810)
    ERROR_SSL_DECRYPT_ERROR75793 (0x12811)
    ERROR_SSL_RECORD_OVERFLOW75780 (0x12804)Packet size too large. Try to decrease the maximal size of the packet by adjusting the MaxFragmentLength extension.
    ERROR_SSL_DECOMPRESSION_FAILURE75781 (0x12805)Compression or decompression failure. Switch off compression (CompressionAlgorithms property).
    ERROR_SSL_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE75782 (0x12806)Incompatible versions or cipher suite lists. Try to play with version and cipher suite sets. Check that the server certificate is provided and has an associated private key.
    ERROR_SSL_NO_CERTIFICATE75783 (0x12807)The certificate provided by the peer is not valid.
    ERROR_SSL_BAD_CERTIFICATE75784 (0x12808)
    ERROR_SSL_UNKNOWN_CA75790 (0x1280E)
    ERROR_SSL_ACCESS_DENIED75791 (0x1280F)The requested application-layer resource cannot be accessed by the requestor. Check with the administrator of the remote resource.
    ERROR_SSL_EXPORT_RESTRICTION75794 (0x12812)The peer is only configured to use exportable cipher suites. Switch on support for “EXPORT” cipher suites.
    ERROR_SSL_PROTOCOL_VERSION75795 (0x12813)The peers have not been able to negotiate a version to use (no shared protocol versions).
    ERROR_SSL_INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY75796 (0x12814)The cipher suites mutually supported by the peers are too weak and do not provide an adequate level of security.
    ERROR_SSL_INTERNAL_ERROR75797 (0x12815)Contact the vendor.
    ERROR_SSL_USER_CANCELED75798 (0x12816)Application layer has shut down the connection.
    ERROR_SSL_NO_RENEGOTIATION75799 (0x12817)One of the peers requested a renegotiation, which was refused by the other. Note that you will get this error (as a warning) if you return Allow = false from the OnRenegotiationStart event handler.
    ERROR_SSL_CLOSE_NOTIFY75800 (0x12818)Does not indicate an error condition. The SSL connection was closed gracefully and can be restored or cloned in future.
    By Limagito-Team Error , ,
  • 04 Jun

    FTP Error Codes

    Copyright www.secureblackbox.comValueDescription
    SB_FTPS_ERROR_CONTROL_CHANNEL_HANGUP114689 (0x1C001)Some servers hang up control channels if no information is sent or received within rather short time. Hence, on large file transfers, the code which reports successful operation completion (226/250) is not sent by the server. FTPS client returns SB_FTPS_ERROR_CONTROL_CHANNEL_HANGUP error code when the command channel hangs up, but when the session was gracefully closed by the server (i.e., file transfer was finished successfully).
    SB_FTPS_ERROR_CONTROL_CHANNEL_NO_DATA114690 (0x1C002)No data is being transferred via control channel.
    SB_FTPS_ERROR_UNACCEPTED_REPLY_CODE115713 (0x1C401)Unaccepted reply code. Such codes may be sent by servers when data connection closure was initiated on the client side.
    SB_FTPS_ERROR_INVALID_REPLY115714 (0x1C402)Invalid reply.
    SB_FTPS_ERROR_LOCAL_SOURCE_NOT_FILE116737 (0x1C801)Local source is not a file.
    SB_FTPS_ERROR_LOCAL_TARGET_NOT_FILE116738 (0x1C802)Local target is not a file.
    SB_FTPS_ERROR_RESUME_OFFSET_TOO_LARGE116739 (0x1C803)This error is fired when the it is impossible to resume data transfer (because resume offset is too large).
    SB_FTPS_ERROR_OPERATION_CRITERIA_NOT_MET116740 (0x1C804)The criteria for the requested operation is not met.
    SB_FTPS_ERROR_TIMES_NOT_SET116741 (0x1C805)The criteria for the requested operation is not met.
    By Limagito-Team Error FTP , ,
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