File Mover Blog

  • 17 Jul

    Convert character set of text file

    Q: Convert character set of text file. I think I need some help here. We connect to a SFTP-server and download 3 files. One of these are a UTF-8 file named Vyymmdd.Thhmmss (i.e. V220627.TT110759). We need to download all 3 files, and convert the UTF-8 file to ISO-8859-1. I have found this article:

    And edited like this : psChangeTxtEncodingExt(psFilePath + psFileName, ctOutputpath + psFileName, 65001, 28591, True)

    Runtime Log says the file was successfully converted. But if I open the file in Notepad++ and click the “Encoding” option on the menu, it highlights UTF-8.

    A: In version v2022.7.17.0 we added some extra functions to help you convert the character set of  text files:

    Function psChangeTxtEncodingCk(Source, Destination: String; SrcCharset, DstCharset: String; WriteBOM: Boolean; ErrorAction: Integer): Boolean;

    Do not use this function when Source and Destination file are the same, use psChangeTxtEncodingCkExt instead.

    • ErrorAction: Controls how errors are handled. When a character in the input data cannot be converted to the target charset, the action taken is controlled by this property.
      The possible settings are:
      (0) drop the error characters,
      (1) substitute the data set by a ?
      (2) convert to a hex-escaped string (&#xXXXX)
      (3) RESERVED
      (4) RESERVED
      (5) RESERVED
      (6) RESERVED
      (7) Pass non-convertible characters to the output unchanged.
    • The Source and Destination Charset can be any of the supported encodings listed at Chilkat Supported Character Encodings.

    Function psChangeTxtEncodingCkExt(Source, Destination: String; SrcCharset, DstCharset: String; WriteBOM, WriteFileIfModified: Boolean): String;

      • WriteFileIfModified: writes the contents to a file, but only if it is a new file or if the contents are different than the existing file.
      • WriteBOM: the BOM (also known as a preamble), is emitted for charsets that define a BOM (such as utf-8, utf-16, utf-32, etc.)
      • The Source and Destination Charset can be any of the supported encodings listed at Chilkat Supported Character Encodings.

    #Filetransfer #Filemanagement #Encoding

    If you need any info about this ‘Convert character set’ question, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team

  • 18 Jun

    SMTP Error Message could not be assembled due to error 1

    Q: We had an issue with one of our servers, and had to rebuild it from scratch. When we rebuilt our workflows all seemed to be fine however we are getting the following error when we try to initiate an SMTP workflow.
    6/14/2022 5:03:47 PM SendSMTPMsg Exception: Message could not be assembled due to error 1
    We don’t see any errors on the SMTP server, and this is the same setup we had in place before the previous server failed.
    Can you give us a direction on this? I am not sure what error 1 means, and I am unable to find it in the documentation.

    A: Did you copy/paste some text into the body (or subject) field? Could you clear the body completely and do a test please.

    This is most likely the message contains a character which is not covered by the current charset. If you didn’t set any charset, “iso-8859-1” is used by default.
    Also, please make sure you’ve provided at least one “from” address and at least one “to” address. This could be the reason of the error also.

    For SMTP we also have a CharSet option. In your case I would set it to:   utf-8

    assembled due to error 1

    #SMTP #Filetransfer #Filemanagement

    If you need any info about this ‘assembled due to error 1’ request, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team

  • 12 Jun

    Verify integrity of ftp file transfers

    Verify integrity of ftp file transfers

    With FTP you can use a couple of ‘Non-standard‘ Commands to verify the integrity of a file transfer (download & upload):

    • XCRC
    • XMD5
    • XSHA1, XSHA256, XSHA512

    In version v2022.6.12.0 of Limagito File Mover we added support for these Commands to:

    • Built-In FTP Server
    • FTP as Source
    • FTP as Destination

    Not all FTP servers support this ‘Non-Standard’ command. You can check this using the ‘Support’ tab in your FTP Destination setup (v2022.6.12.0). Click ‘Connect’ and check if File Verification is supported by the FTP server. In this screenshot we are connected to the Limagito FTP Server.

    Limagito File Moverr Verify integrity of ftp

    If your FTP server supports File Verification then you can enable this in the FTP Source or Destination setup (Verify Tab > Verify File after Copy/Move).  If your FTP Server does not support File Verification and you need this then maybe you can use: link.

    Limagito FTP Verify option

    #FTP #Filetransfer #Filemanagement

    If you need any info about this request, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team

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