File Mover Blog

  • 29 Jan

    AWS S3 compatible storage providers

    In version v2023.1.27.0 we made some code changes to make it work with AWS S3 compatible storage providers.

    In the AWS S3 setup select ‘Custom’ as Region. Next set the URL and Region ID of your custom storage provider.

    Limagito File Mover S3 compatible storage providers

    #FileTransfer #awss3

    If you need any info about this ‘AWS S3 compatible storage providers’ option, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team

  • 29 Jan

    Trying to connect to a shared mailbox in 365

    Q: I am now trying to connect to a shared mailbox in 365, can you please assist on how I can do this? The authentication is working fine against the user mailbox [A] but I’m not sure how to modify the IMAP4 setup to connect to a shared mailbox.

    Source:  [IMAP4]


    Shared mail: – mailbox permissions setup, email apps enabled

    I’ve tried using:\health in the username and various other option all without success [B]

    If I put in the Mailbox I think it ignores this and connects to the user mailbox.

    If I follow the instructions it returns error ‘Check Password’ [C]

    Many thanks, Adam

    Limagito File Mover shared mailbox in 365

    Limagito File Mover shared mailbox in 365

    Limagito File Mover shared mailbox in 365

    – Limagito:

    Hello Adam,
    According to our information (confirmed by a user) you should enter the shared mail address as username (
    The reason why in our article the password is left blank is because our user was using OAuth2 authentication.
    ( )

    That is why you get the ‘Check Password’ Messagebox.

    Question, what happens when you enter as username and the password from the admin account (

    – Customer:

    As suggested I changed the username to

    And left the password is it was for the admin account (

    This now lists the health mailbox!

    The source is now: [IMAP4]

    I would not have thought to try exactly that. One for your (&mine) documentation perhaps

    Thanks again for your quick response 😊


    #FileTransfer #imap

    If you need any info about this post, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team

  • 29 Jan

    Download only certain date specific files

    Q: Download only certain date specific files from FTP
    I have an ftp account that has a file for each day of the month in it. I need to download a file each day for that particular Monday – Sunday. This will go into a rename job so for example file 01162023 (for Monday, January 16, 2023) would be renamed to SLMON. File 01172023 would rename to SLTUE, 01182023 SLWED, and so on until 01222023 for SLSUN.

    So once more, I would need to set a download each night to pull a file with that dates name and have it rename. So tonight would download file 01212023 and rename it to SLSAT. Then Sunday would pull a single file for that date. Is that doable?

    A: Yes this is possible, so you would trigger it every evening and it would pick up the file for tomorrow and rename it. This will also work for other source types than FTP.

    1. Please open the File Filter Setup

    – Enable ‘Allow parameters in File Name filter’ in the Advanced Tab:

    Limagito File Mover File Filter setup

    – Set the Filename Include Filter to:

    In my example I’m looking for .pdf files but it could also be like (every type of file):

    Notice the [IncDay+1] so it looks for the next day.
    Limagito File Mover Date specific files

    2. Open the Destination setup
    Limagito File Mover WIN as Destination

    – Rename Tab > Enable Rename Files > Setup Renaming:
    Limagito File Mover Destination renaming options

    – Add the following renaming expression:

    RegEx:   (.*)\.(.*)
    Replacement:   SL%TCD:[IncDay+1]ddd:.\2

    Limagito File Mover Destination renaming setup

    – Customer: Great thanks. What would I do if I pulled it at say 1am for the same day?
    – Limagito: Remove the   [IncDay+1]   in the File Filter AND the Renaming setup

    #FileTransfer #FTP #SFTP

    If you need any info about this post, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team Filters FTP
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