File Mover Blog

  • 06 Nov

    Sign a PDF using SmartCard or HSM

    Sign a PDF using SmartCard or HSM (Hardware Security Module) added in Limagito File Mover v2023.0.11.6

    In this example we are going to a sign a PDF using a Smartcard or HSM (hardware security module).

    • As source we are going to use a Windows folder [WIN]:

    Limagito file mover Windows folder as source

    • Be sure to only allow .pdf files. Please set the Include Filename Filter:

    Limagito file mover file filter setup

    • Add ‘SIGN’ as Destination

    Limagito file mover sign pdf as destination

    • Setup ‘SIGN’ as Destination. The default setup has 5 ‘actions’:

    Limagito file mover sign pdf setup

    • Select the first Action ‘Load PDF to be signed’ and an extra tab will appear in the top menu bar. Select this ‘Pdf Load’ tab.

    The default setup here is %SFP%SFN which translates to Source File Path and Source File Name. In most cases you don’t need to change this.

    • Back to the ‘Setup’ tab and select ‘Options for PDF signing’ in the Action list and next ‘Pdf Options’ Tab.
    1. Enable ‘Set Signing Certifcate V2 attribute’ (is enabled by default)
    2. Enable ‘Set Signing Time attribute’ (is enabled by default)

    Sign pdf options setup

    • Back to the ‘Setup’ tab and select ‘Appearance of the PDF signature’ in the Action list and ‘Pdf Signature’ Tab.

    We used the ‘Custom-JPG’ to add a custom logo at the left side of the signature. We also have a couple of built-in graphics available.

    Sign pdf signature appearance setup

    • Back to the ‘Setup’ tab and select ‘Load certificate for PDF signing’ in the Action list and ‘Pdf Certificate’ Tab.

    We are going to use a Smartcard or HSM (hardware security module) so we keep the ‘Certificate File’ field empty.

    1. Enable ‘Use load from Smartcard’
    2. Set the Smartcard CSP option
      • Load the certificate on the smartcard currently in the reader (or on the USB token).
      • Leave this field empty to allow us to automatically choose the CSP (Cryptographi Service Provider).
    3. Set the Smartcard PIN (password)

    Sign pdf smartcard certificate

    • Back to the ‘Setup’ tab and select ‘Sign and save the PDF’ in the Action list and ‘Pdf Signing’ Tab.

    Limagito file mover sign and save pdf

    • Next we enabled the Rule and triggered it manually:

    Limagito file mover enable and trigger rule

    • Result of the RunTime Log:

    sign and save pdf setup

    • Signed PDF result:

    digitally signed pdf using smartcard example

    #FileTransfer #pdf #smartcard #hsm

    If you need any info about this new ‘Sign a PDF using SmartCard or HSM’ option, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team PDF , , ,
  • 06 Nov

    Sign PDF with Timestamp from Timestamp Server Authority

    Sign PDF with Timestamp from Timestamp Server Authority (TSA) with Limagito File Mover version 2023

    In this example we are going to a sign a PDF that is both long-term validation (LTV) enabled and includes a validating timestamp from a Timestamp Server Authority (TSA).

    • As source we are going to use a Windows folder [WIN]:

    Limagito file mover Windows folder as source

    • Be sure to only allow .pdf files. Please set the Include Filename Filter:

    Limagito file mover file filter setup

    • Add ‘SIGN’ as Destination

    Limagito file mover sign pdf as destination

    • Setup ‘SIGN’ as Destination. The default setup has 5 ‘actions’:

    Limagito file mover sign pdf setup

    • Select the first Action ‘Load PDF to be signed’ and an extra tab will appear in the top menu bar. Select this ‘Pdf Load’ tab.

    The default setup here is %SFP%SFN which translates to Source File Path and Source File Name. So in most cases you don’t need to change this.

    • Back to the ‘Setup’ tab and select ‘Options for PDF signing’ in the Action list and next ‘Pdf Options’ Tab.
    1. Enable ‘Set Signing Certifcate V2 attribute’ (is enabled by default)
    2. Enable ‘Set Signing Time attribute’ (is enabled by default)
    3. Enable ‘Set Long-Term Validation (LTV Enabled)’
    4. Enable ‘Request timestamp froma TSA server’ (Timestamp Server Authority)
    5. Set the URL of the Timestamp server. We used:
    6. Enable ‘Request TSA server to include its certificate in the timestamp response’
      • Ask the timestamp server to include its certificate in the timestamp token

    Limagito file mover sign pdf option

    • Back to the ‘Setup’ tab and select ‘Appearance of the PDF signature’ in the Action list and ‘Pdf Signature’ Tab.

    We used the ‘Image options’ to add a green check mark at the left side of the signature. We have a couple of built-in graphics available but also a custom JPG is possible.

    Limagito file mover sign pdf signature setup

    • Back to the ‘Setup’ tab and select ‘Load certificate for PDF signing’ in the Action list and ‘Pdf Certificate’ Tab.

    We are using a .pfx file which is a combined certificate and private key file type.

    Limagito file mover sign pdf certificate setup

    • Back to the ‘Setup’ tab and select ‘Sign and save the PDF’ in the Action list and ‘Pdf Signing’ Tab.

    Limagito file mover sign and save pdf

    • Next we enabled the Rule and triggered it manually:

    Limagito file mover enable and trigger rule

    • Result of the RunTime Log:

    Limagito file mover RunTime log result

    • Signed PDF result:

    Limagito file mover signed pdf example

    We have added quite some options already but we are open to new ideas. Please let us know if you need any help.

    #FileTransfer #pdf

    If you need any info about this new ‘Timestamp Server Authority’ option, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team

  • 06 Nov

    Url save after file transfer to Google Cloud

    Q: Url save after file transfer to Google Cloud possible with Limagito File Mover?
    I have a question about how to create URL links from Google Cloud. When files are transferred from local storage to GCloud we need to replace the local file with an URL from Gcloud. Can you help us?

    A: In version v2023.0.11.6 we added a new option which makes this possible. This option will create a .url file in the folder where the source file was found (this can be adjusted).  The .url file will work as a shortcut to the file the was uploaded to Google Cloud.

    We added some screenshots to get you started.

    • As source we are using a Windows folder [WIN]:

    Limagito file mover windows folder as source

    • Be sure to exclude *.url filenames because otherwise we would also try to upload the newly created shortcut files (.url) to Google Cloud.

    Limagito file mover File filter setup

    • In our destination setup, we are using GCloud as Destination. Information about Google Cloud as destination can be found here.

    In the ‘Common’ tab of the GCloud setup you need to enable: ‘Create Shortcut On Success’ which will create the .url file after a successful file transfer to google cloud. The default output path for the shortcut .url file is parameter %SFP which translates as Source File Path.

    Url save after file transfer to google cloud

    • RunTime log result:

    Limagito file mover runtime log

    • The following .url file was created:

    url save after file transfer to google cloud

    • Content of such a .url file:

    Information about request endpoints can be found: here

    Content of .url shortcut file

    #FileTransfer #googlecloud

    If you need any info about this new ‘Url save after file transfer to Google Cloud’ option, please let us know.

    Best regards,

    Limagito Team

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