File Mover Blog

  • 26 Apr

    How-To use ODBC DSN with SQL as Source or Destination

    On request we’ve added ODBC as connection option for SQL as Source or Destination in version v2020.4.25.0. Our ODBC bridge driver supports Level 2, 3 drivers. It requires the x86 or x64 ODBC driver to be installed according to ODBC specification.

    First you’ll need to setup a System DSN (Data Source Name) that will be used in the Database Connection Setup of the SQL Source or Destination Setup of our File Mover.

    Configure DSN using the ODBC Administrator control panel. Important:

    1. When you are using the 64-bit version of LimagitoX you’ll need the ODBC Data Sources (64-bit) App.
    2. When you are using the 32-bit version of LimagitoX you’ll need the ODBC Data Sources (32-bit) App.

    We’ll be using the 64-bit version of the ODBC Data Source Administrator . Select the System DSN Tab and click < Add >.

    In this example we’re going to connect to a MS SQL Server Express (v2014). We’ll be using the (already installed) ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server. Select and click < Finish >.

    ( )

    Please choose the Name carefully. This DSN Name will be used later in the SQL Database Connection Setup of our file Mover. The Server is the ‘full name’ of the SQL Server we are going to connect to (Hostname \ SQL Instance). Click < Next >.

    Hint: If you don’t know the Server name, please start the ‘Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio’.

    We’ll be using SQL Server authentication. Please enter Login ID (Username) and Password. We’ll need this during the DSN setup so we can select the default database and test the connection. The Password will not be stored in the DSN. You ‘ll need to add this in the SQL Database Connection Setup of our File Mover later.

    We changed the default database to the one we’ll be using in our File Mover. Click < Next >.

    Click < Finish >.

    Click < Test Data Source >

    Result should show: TESTS COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY!.

    Click < OK >.

    Click < OK >.

    The new System DSN is ready to be used within LimagitoX File Mover. Click < OK >.

    In the SQL as Source or Destination Setup of LimagitoX File Mover you’ll find ODBC as Database Vendor option (Database Tab).

    Set the following fields:

    • DSN (Name of the existing system DSN to use for connecting)
    • Database
    • Username
    • Password

    Click < Connect > to test the ODBC connection.


    Check the Log window for the connection result. Log shows the different table names of the database so the connection is OK.


    If you need help, please let us know.

    Best Regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team SQL , ,
  • 18 Apr

    How-To add Command Line as Destination in LimagitoX File Mover

    In version v2020.4.18.0 we’ve added an ‘Execute Command as Destination’ option.

    Open Destinations and <Add CMD>.


    For Command Lines tools please always use the ‘Command Line’ field. Leave the ‘Application Name’ field empty.

    This field will (almost) always start with:  CMD /C

    In this basic example we have added Copy and some parameters

    • %SFP%SFN = Source File Path and Source File Name
    • %DFP%DFN = Destination File Path and Destination File Name

    The %DFP will be filled with the ‘Destination Directory’ from the Command Setup (it will contain a \ at the end).

    If we don’t use the file renaming option then %DFN will be the same as %SFN.

    When we trigger the Moving Rule, we get the following result in the RunTime Log. Did you notice the translation of the parameters.

    If you need any help, please let us know.


    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team Command ,
  • 17 Apr

    How-To use a csv file as filter and destination path in LimagitoX File Mover

    Another example of how Pascal Script can be used. In this how-to we’ll explain you how the content of a csv file can be used to filter the source file and at the same time this csv file will be used to set the destination path.

    In this example we use C:\Test\Demo as base folder. It contains 3 subfolders which will be used by the Moving Rule.

    1. C:\Test\Demo\Csv  :  contains the Csv file which we will scan for its content. The content will give us the file filter and destination path.
    2. C:\Test\Demo\In  :  folder will be used as source of the moving rule
    3. C:\Test\Demo\Out  :  folder will be used as destination path. We’ll receive this info from the csv file.

    In the Csv subfolder we created an excel file. First column contains the filename filter. We’ll search for files which contain this string in its filename. The second column is used for the destination path when this file is found.

    Next we did an export of this excel file to csv. We need this cvs file for our Pascal Script.

    Content of the Source Folder:

    Select this folder in the Source Setup (WIN).

    Setup of the File Filter. Important, select RegEx Include filter and add %VSB as filter.

    Open the Pascal Script Setup:


    Add the following ‘On Rule Begin’ Pascal Script. Don’t forget to adjust the ctCsvFile constant (depends on your setup).

      iList: Integer;
      tmpList: TStringList;
      tmpEntry: String;
      tmpName: String;
      tmpCount: Integer;
      tmpPos: Integer;
      ctCsvFile = 'C:\Test\Demo\Csv\List.csv';
      ctCsvSep = ';';
      psExitCode:= 0;
      psVSA := '';
      psVSB := '';
      // ... add your code here
        tmpList := TStringList.Create;
          If tmpList.Count > 0 Then
            tmpCount := tmpList.Count - 1;
            For iList := 0 to tmpCount Do
              tmpEntry := Trim(tmpList.Strings[iList]);
              tmpPos := Pos(ctCsvSep, tmpEntry);
              If tmpPos <> 0 Then
                tmpName := Copy(tmpEntry, 1, tmpPos-1);
                If iList = tmpCount Then
                  psVSB := psVSB + '.*' + tmpName + '.*'
                  psVSB := psVSB + '.*' + tmpName + '.*|'
            psVSA := tmpList.CommaText;
            // Debug Info
            psLogWrite(1, '', 'psVSA: ' + psVSA);
            psLogWrite(1, '', 'psVSB: ' + psVSB);
            // Set psExitCode
            If (psVSA <> '') And (psVSB <> '') Then
              psExitCode := 1;
          psLogWrite(1, '', 'Load Script File Exception');

    Add the following ‘On Destination’ Pascal Script.

      iList: Integer;
      tmpList: TStringList;
      tmpEntry: String;
      tmpName: String;
      tmpPath: String;
      tmpCount: Integer;
      tmpPos: Integer;
      ctCsvSep = ';';
      psExitCode:= 0;
      psVSC := '';
      // ... add your code here
        tmpList := TStringList.Create;
          tmpList.CommaText := psVSA;
          If tmpList.Count > 0 Then
            tmpCount := tmpList.Count - 1;
            For iList := 0 to tmpCount Do
              tmpEntry := Trim(tmpList.Strings[iList]);
              tmpPos := Pos(ctCsvSep, tmpEntry);
              If tmpPos <> 0 Then
                tmpName := Copy(tmpEntry, 1, tmpPos-1);
                If Pos(tmpName, psFileName) <> 0 Then
                  tmpPath := Copy(tmpEntry, tmpPos+1, length(tmpEntry)-tmpPos);
                  If tmpPath <> '' Then
                    psVSC := tmpPath;
            // Debug Info
            psLogWrite(1, '', 'psVSC: ' + psVSC);
            // Set psExitCode
            If (psVSC <> '') Then
              psExitCode := 1
              psLogWrite(1, '', 'Could not find a path for: ' + psFileName);
          psLogWrite(1, '', 'Find Destination Path Exception');

    Add a WIN Destination:

    Set ‘Select Directory’ to %VSC

    Enable and trigger the rule. The Source files will be filtered and moved to the destination as set in the csv file.

    Destinations created with information from the csv file:

    Destination content example:

    This is just an example of what can be done using Pascal Script. If you need any help using Pascal Script, please let us know.


    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team Filters Pascal Script ,
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