
  • 23 Oct

    What are the steps to configure a mail alert

    Q: What is the steps to configure a mail alert ?

    A: First select the Rule you want to configure.

    Next, Select ‘Moving Rule’ Menu> ‘Rule Events’ item:


    limagito file mover rule events













    Important, each enabled event will use its own setup. So you’ll have to do the setup for each enabled event. In this example we enabled and added a setup for the ‘On Error’ event only.

    limagito file mover configure a mail event

    limagito file mover rule events email setup

    Maybe it is a good idea to enable ‘Success event memory’ and ‘Error event Memory’. This way the events will only be triggered when the status changes between Success  <> Error and not with every Success and Error event.


    limagito file mover rule events advanced options

    #filetransfer #filemanagement

    If you need any help with this ‘configure a mail alert’ request, please let us know.

    Best Regards,

    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team Email Events ,
  • 01 May

    Q&A 5: Would it be possible to monitor and send alert when file mover failed?

    Q: I was wondering if it would be possible to monitor and send alert when file mover failed?

    A: Yes this is possible using our Rule Events option

    Please open the Rule Events Setup:

    In this example we’ll only enable email for the ‘On Error’ event. Important, if you want to use other events then you’ll need to do a seperate setup for them.

    • Enable ‘On Error’
    • Enable ‘Enable Mail’
    • Use Common SMTP (we will use the Common SMTP setup in this example)

    Click the button next to the SMTP Setup selector and setup your SMTP. We are using gmail smtp in this example but you are free to choose.

    Click the button left from the ‘Enable Mail’ checkbox and setup the email event message.

    Finally click the test button (red marked button) and check the result in the log window.

    Please remember:

    • The email setup has to be done for each Event seperately (On Succes, On Error, ..).
    • You can use a Common SMTP setup so you only need to setup this once.
    • Each Moving Rule will use their own Event settings.

    If you need help, please let us know.


    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team Q&A , ,
  • 07 Jul

    Trigger an email alert when files build up in a folder

    Dear Users,

    We got the following request from a user: ‘Trigger an email alert when files build up in a folder’. Although this isn’t the goal of our file transfer tool we decided to give it a try.

    What we did to achieve this:

    1) Add the Windows Source folder you want to check

    2) Add the following ‘On Rule Begin’ Pascal Script. This script will reset the file counter when the rule is triggered.

      psExitCode:= 1;
      // Reset File Counter

    3) Enable ‘Copy Files’ and ‘Preference Order’ in the Function Setup.

    4) Add two destinations. Important, the first destination must be ‘Pascal Script’. The second destination is ‘SMTP’ (email).

    5) Destination Pascal Script. Please adjust the ctMaxFiles constant value that will be used to trigger the email. At the moment this is set to 10 files.

      ctMaxFiles = 10;
      psExitCode:= 1;
      // ... add your code here
      If psCounter = ctMaxFiles then
        psLogWrite(1, '', 'Max Files Reached, Counter Value: ' + IntToStr(psCounter));
        psExitCode := 0;

    6) Setup the Destination SMTP options. These will be used when sending the email.

    7) The result. Single email event when files build up in a folder.

    If you need any help, do not hesitate to ask. We are here to help.


    Limagito Team

    By Limagito-Team Pascal Script , , ,