
  • 27 Dec

    Uploading large files using FTP Multipart option

    Dear users,

    A while ago we received the folllowing support question:

    “I am having problem transfering a big file. The file is 959MB. We get the following error: Exception Error Control channel transfer error 114690.”

    We found out that error 11469 = No data is being transferred via control channel. We asked our FTP code supplier for advice. 

    “Looks like a timeout-related issue. Error 114690 (SB_FTPS_ERROR_CONTROL_CHANNEL_NO_DATA) is returned if no reply was received from the control channel where it was expected to come in.  According to the log, the server does not perform any activity after the file is being sent. I believe there may be a delay between the file is sent to the server and the actual response the server is sending back. This delay may originate, for example, from the server copying the uploaded file from a temporary location to its final destination. The solution is quite straightforward – instead of uploading the file as a whole, upload it in pieces. Please start with splitting the file into 100MB chunks and see how it goes.”

    And that is what we did in version ‘v2018.12.27.0’. The Multipart Upload option was added in the ‘File & Directory’ tab of the FTP destination.

    • Enabled this option using the ‘Use Multipart Upload’ checkbox.
    • Set the part size. Default is 102.400 KiByte (100 MiByte). The minimum is 5 MiByte.
    • Set the treshold size. Default is 512.000 KiByte (500 MiByte).

    So what does this mean. When a source filesize is 500 MiByte or higher then this file will be uploaded in parts (chunks) of 100 MiByte. So not as a whole but in parts. Each part will be appened at the FTP server side. We use the APPE (Append) FTP command to achieve this.

    A second option to achieve a multipart upload is using the COMB command (‘Use COMB’ checkbox). Important, not so many FTP servers support the COMB command (non RFC). The source file is send in segments and afterwards the FTP server will combine them when it receives the COMB command. We tested this using the trial version of Titan FTP server.

    Even better is when you combine this with the Retry option. So if one of the parts would fail during the FTP upload then it will retry to upload this part again (and not the whole file).

    Feedback would be much appreciated,

    Happy Holidays,

    Limagito Team


    By Limagito-Team Error FTP ,
  • 04 Jun

    SSL Error Codes

    Copyright www.secureblackbox.comValuePossible reason and steps to take
    ERROR_SSL_TIMEOUT73730 (0x12002)
    1. Connection is made to/from a service that doesn’t talk proper SSL (e.g. a plain HTTP connection is made to an HTTPS port). Re-check that both client and server services are talking SSL.
    2. Unsupported version of the protocol. Try to play with Versions property of the SSL component and check if any of the combination helps.
    ERROR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC75778 (0x12802)The peers failed to negotiate a shared key material. Try connecting with different cipher suites one-by-one and check if any of them helps. If neither does, try to use a different protocol version.
    ERROR_SSL_DECODE_ERROR75792 (0x12810)
    ERROR_SSL_DECRYPT_ERROR75793 (0x12811)
    ERROR_SSL_RECORD_OVERFLOW75780 (0x12804)Packet size too large. Try to decrease the maximal size of the packet by adjusting the MaxFragmentLength extension.
    ERROR_SSL_DECOMPRESSION_FAILURE75781 (0x12805)Compression or decompression failure. Switch off compression (CompressionAlgorithms property).
    ERROR_SSL_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE75782 (0x12806)Incompatible versions or cipher suite lists. Try to play with version and cipher suite sets. Check that the server certificate is provided and has an associated private key.
    ERROR_SSL_NO_CERTIFICATE75783 (0x12807)The certificate provided by the peer is not valid.
    ERROR_SSL_BAD_CERTIFICATE75784 (0x12808)
    ERROR_SSL_UNKNOWN_CA75790 (0x1280E)
    ERROR_SSL_ACCESS_DENIED75791 (0x1280F)The requested application-layer resource cannot be accessed by the requestor. Check with the administrator of the remote resource.
    ERROR_SSL_EXPORT_RESTRICTION75794 (0x12812)The peer is only configured to use exportable cipher suites. Switch on support for “EXPORT” cipher suites.
    ERROR_SSL_PROTOCOL_VERSION75795 (0x12813)The peers have not been able to negotiate a version to use (no shared protocol versions).
    ERROR_SSL_INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY75796 (0x12814)The cipher suites mutually supported by the peers are too weak and do not provide an adequate level of security.
    ERROR_SSL_INTERNAL_ERROR75797 (0x12815)Contact the vendor.
    ERROR_SSL_USER_CANCELED75798 (0x12816)Application layer has shut down the connection.
    ERROR_SSL_NO_RENEGOTIATION75799 (0x12817)One of the peers requested a renegotiation, which was refused by the other. Note that you will get this error (as a warning) if you return Allow = false from the OnRenegotiationStart event handler.
    ERROR_SSL_CLOSE_NOTIFY75800 (0x12818)Does not indicate an error condition. The SSL connection was closed gracefully and can be restored or cloned in future.
    By Limagito-Team Error , ,
  • 04 Jun

    FTP Error Codes

    Copyright www.secureblackbox.comValueDescription
    SB_FTPS_ERROR_CONTROL_CHANNEL_HANGUP114689 (0x1C001)Some servers hang up control channels if no information is sent or received within rather short time. Hence, on large file transfers, the code which reports successful operation completion (226/250) is not sent by the server. FTPS client returns SB_FTPS_ERROR_CONTROL_CHANNEL_HANGUP error code when the command channel hangs up, but when the session was gracefully closed by the server (i.e., file transfer was finished successfully).
    SB_FTPS_ERROR_CONTROL_CHANNEL_NO_DATA114690 (0x1C002)No data is being transferred via control channel.
    SB_FTPS_ERROR_UNACCEPTED_REPLY_CODE115713 (0x1C401)Unaccepted reply code. Such codes may be sent by servers when data connection closure was initiated on the client side.
    SB_FTPS_ERROR_INVALID_REPLY115714 (0x1C402)Invalid reply.
    SB_FTPS_ERROR_LOCAL_SOURCE_NOT_FILE116737 (0x1C801)Local source is not a file.
    SB_FTPS_ERROR_LOCAL_TARGET_NOT_FILE116738 (0x1C802)Local target is not a file.
    SB_FTPS_ERROR_RESUME_OFFSET_TOO_LARGE116739 (0x1C803)This error is fired when the it is impossible to resume data transfer (because resume offset is too large).
    SB_FTPS_ERROR_OPERATION_CRITERIA_NOT_MET116740 (0x1C804)The criteria for the requested operation is not met.
    SB_FTPS_ERROR_TIMES_NOT_SET116741 (0x1C805)The criteria for the requested operation is not met.
    By Limagito-Team Error FTP , ,
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